Different cardiac defects Flashcards
Ventricular septal defect
hole in septum between right and left ventricle resulting in increased pulmonary blood flow
Atrial septal defect
hole in septum between atrium, resulting in increased pulmonary blood flow
patent ductus arteriosus
hole between pulmonary artery and aorta fails to close
vsd, asd, and pda are defect that ….pulmonary blood flow
with coarctation of the aorta you’re gonna have…
elevated blood pressure in arms
decreased blood pressure in extremities
transpositions of the great arteries
aorta is connected to right ventricle
pulmonary artery connected to left ventricle
truncus arteriosus
failure of septum formation
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
left side of heart is underdeveloped
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Aortic displacement
Pulmonary Stenosis
Septal defect (ventricular)
Activity: cyanosis tet spell
Fingernail changes: clubbing
Fatigue and faints easily:
Lift knee to chest
Inability to grow
Cardiac sounds: thrill
Trouble feeding