Die kruppel engel Flashcards


hoofstuk 7


On Wednesdays, the children from the hostel can go to town. First Tina goes to the Chinese shops with Loisie and Lindiwe and then she goes to the library.

Tina cannot take out a book from the library because she is not a resident of the town and she has to pay a R30 deposit.
Miss Dale stands in for her and pays the R30.
Tina will not be able to pay her back, because she only gets R5 pocket money.
Miss Dale gives the children a task: Each gets R5 and must make it more in a legal way and they must not beg. They have to make a profit and bring what they made in two weeks. They may keep their profits.
Ruan is disruptive in class. He says he is going to buy him a tchoklit from the shop and no one can force him to return the money.
Miss Dale says if you don’t bring the money back, you don’t get points

Tina sees Jakob again.
He again gives her advice. He tells her what to do with her R5.
She sees him on TV in a kamma interview.

The presenter has an interview with Jakob. He plays a teenage businessman called Japie Jakobus.
He wears a black pinstriped suit and a round top hat and he has an umbrella and briefcase with him.
Jakob’s appearance is better than before: his scars are softer and his skin looks soft and healthy.
Jacob’s advice is twofold. One: she must work with others. Two: she has to think back to her childhood and what she can do well.
Tina sat down on the hill behind the residence with her head between her knees.

Tina tells Hanmarie, Lindiwe and Loisie they have to put their R5s together, then they have R20.
They then have enough money to buy ingredients to make and sell choklit fridge cookies.
They will use Hanmarie’s mother’s kitchen.
Hanmarie’s mother lends them money for cocoa.
On Wednesday, they sell their first chock chunks: they sell everything and the teachers come asking for more.
They sell chunks again on Friday: they sell everything in the first five minutes.
Stefaans Marais comes to collect Tina from the residence. He says he happened to be in town and she can just ride along.
Stefaans Marais stops at the cafe and buys two packets of soft chips: one for him and one for her.

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hoofstuk 8


Tina’s chokbrok are so popular that they have to triple the recipe.
Just like Tina, Ruan put his money together with his friends’ and bought car polish and started a car wash business with his father’s friends in town.
Ruan says he is going to become a capitalist.
Tina. Loisie and Lindiwe wanted to continue with the business, even though the task was done, but Hanmarie doesn’t want to and they need her mother’s kitchen.
Miss Dale arranges that they can use the hostel’s kitchen (and also Aunt Bessie’s).
Miss Dale soon takes Tina to town so that she can stop Loisie and Lindiwe from spending their profit from the chunks, so that they can buy ingredients.
Loisie no longer wants to be part of the business, but Lindiwe agrees.

Aunt Bessie helps Tina to cut the chunks with her own knife and sees Tina’s scar on her hand. It is between her index finger and middle finger.
Tina says it’s from an accident when she was little.
Tina and Jakob fought over a doll. She was putting a real diaper and clothes on the doll when Jakob saw her and said he was going to tell her mother. He reached for the doll and Tina bit him on the upper arm. He took out an old rusty paring knife and stabbed her.
The scar means that Tina cannot dry the laundry as nicely as the other children.
Ant Merlin (Jakob’s mother) did not listen to the doctor and took him to the hospital every day so that they could look at his wound and then he almost turned around at death.

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