DIALYSIS Flashcards
General principle of dialysis
Remove excess fluids and waste products. Restores F&E balance and A&B balance.
high to low concentration
low to high concentration
fluid removal
Advantage of peritoneal dialysis
- Flexible schedule for exchanges
- Few hemodynamic changes during and after exchanges
- Fewer dietary and activity restrictions
Advantages of hemodiaylsis
- More efficient clearance of wastes
- Shorter treatment time
Peritoneal dialysis access
- Catheter Placement - no need for vascular access
- Tenckhoff Catheter – intra abdominal catheter placed in IR or at bedside
Hemodialysis access
- Arteriovenous (AV) Fistula- do not use for anything other than
dialysis. Formed by connecting an artery to a vein. Vessels used
most often are the radial, brachial artery or the cephalic vein of nondominant arm.
1. Allen test done before procedure
2. Monitor for steal syndrome (pallor, decreased pulse,
3. Fistula less likely to clot than a graft - AV graft – more thrombogenic & increased risk of infection
- Temporary Vascular Access
Caring for pt with Arteriovenous Fistula (AV Fistula)
-do not take BP readings using the extremity in which the AV fistula is placed
-Do not perform venipunctures or start an IV in the extremity in which the AV fistula is placed
-Palpate for thrills and auscultate for bruits over the site while the pt is awake
-Assess pt’s distal pulses and circulation n the arm with the access
-Elevate extremity after surgery
-Encourage routine range of motion exercises
-check for bleeding at needle insertion sites
-Assess for indications of infection at needle sites
-Instruct patient not to carry heavy objects or anything that compresses the extremity
-Instruct pt not to sleep with body weight on top of the extremity
Peritoneal vs hemodialysis training/procedure
Peritoneal is less complex, managed by one person, can be done at home
Hemodialysis requires a professional w/specialized training to manage
Treatment time for peritoneal dialysis
24 hr
Treatment time for hemodialysis
-Three 4hr treatments/day
-Two 5-6hr treatments/day
Indications of peritonitis AKA hot belly
Cloudy, dialysate outflow (effluent), fever, abd tenderness, abd pain, general malaise, and NV
Cloudy or opaque effluent is the earliest sign of peritonitis
Manifestations of peritonitis AKA hot belly
“Board-like” abd
Abd distention and rigidity
Rebound tenderness
^HR & BP
Decreased bowel sounds
Increased WBC
Nursing care for peritonitis
IV and electrolyte balance (IV fluids)
Decrease infection process (antibiotics)
Prevent complications
Contraindications for peritoneal dialysis
- Extensive peritoneal adhesions, fibrosis, active inflammatory GI disease
- Ascites or central obesity
- Recent abdominal surgery
Contraindications for hemodialysis
- Hemodynamic instability
- Severe vasc disease preventing vasc access
- Bleeding disorders
- Uncontrolled diabetes
The radial and ulnar arteries are occluded by firm pressure while the fist is clenched until the hand blanches.
The hand is opened and the pressure is released from the ulnar artery.
Color should return within 15 seconds to imply adequate circulation.
Allen test
Types of Peritoneal dialysis systems
- Continuous Ambulatory PD (CAPD)
▪ 24 hr dialysis. 7 days a week, 2L exchanges,
done by patient – no machine, connect or
disconnect system - Continuous-cycling PD (CCPD)
▪ 24 hr dialysis. By machine at night when
sleeping, final exchange dwells all day and
emptied before bedtime. Sterile catheter is
opened less often
▪ Multiple-bag continuous ambulatory PD
▪ Automated PD (APD)
▪ Programmed for specific patient needs.
Dialysis during sleep. Delivers large volumes.
Dialysis free during waking hours. - Intermittent PD (IPD)
▪ Auto or Manual
Hemodialysis equipment
- 4 parts – blood compartment, a dialysate compartment, a semipermeable membrane, and an enclosed support structure.
- HD Dialysate is not sterile! Bacteria and other organisms are too large to pass through the membrane.
- Machine has a built-in safety feature such as the ability to record VS, blood & dialysate flow, arterial and venous pressures, delivered dialysis dose, plasma volume changes, and temperature changes. If any are detected, an alarm sounds to protect the patient from life-threatening complications.
- Aseptic technique
- Blood clotting can occur – heparin is delivered during
HD & remains active for 4-6 hours after dialysis. Risk
for hemorrhage during this timeframe. Protamine sulfate should be readily available during this time.