Diagnosis and Monitoring of Pregnancy Flashcards
What hormones increase during pregnancy?`
- Estrogens
- Progesterone
- Human placental lactogen
- Human chorionic gonadotropin
- Prolactin
What does increased estrogen levels stimulate?
- Gluconeogenesis
- Cholesterol production
- Plasma proteins (fibrinogen)
- Cortisol production
How much does plasma volume increase during normal pregnancy?
______ increases more than ______ causing the hematocrit to fall by 15%
Plasma volume
-Red cell volume
What does the placenta produce
- Alkaline phosphatase
- Creatine Kinase
______ will double by the time of delivery
Alkaline phosphatase
What will happen to glomerular filtration rate, BUN, and Cr during pregnancy
GFR will increase about 50%
-Causes decreased BUN and Cr
Describe glucose and protein excretion during pregancy
- Urine glucose
- Protein excretion
What do lab tests for pregnancy test for to diagnose pregancy
-Trophoblastic tissue
What do the cells of the placenta produce that is detected in a pregnancy test?
What are other things that can produce HCG that is not a fetus
- Hyditidiform mole (tumor of the uterus)
- Choriocarcinoma (malignant tumor of the placenta)
- Germ cell tumors (tumor of the ovary)
What other cancers produce HCG levels
- Breast cancer
- Large cell carcinoma of the lung
When does the production of HCG begin during pregnancy?
-as soon as the trophoblast cells are formed
When do blood levels of typically rise after implantation
4-6 days after fertilization
When do blood levels of HCG become detectable
8-10 days after fertilization (3-3.5 weeks after last menstrual period)
HCG rises in a _______ fashion during the first trimester of pregnancy
HCG will ______ every 48 hours in a normal pregnancy