Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Chemicals or agents that can cause harm if ingested or contracted by the mother.
Rooting reflex
When touched on the cheek,a baby will turn its head into it
Sucking reflex
When an object is put by its mouth,the infant will suck on it
Grasping reflex
If an object is placed into its hand the baby will try to grasp it
Moro reflex
A baby will get starled and flings its limbs out but then try to make itself small
Babinski reflex
When its foot is stroked the baby will spread its toes
Mary ainsworth attachemts styles
Secure attachments-confidently explore ,distressed when they leave-come to parents when the return
Avoidant attachments-resist being held,explore,dont seek comfort when return
Ambivalent/anxious attachments-extreme stress when leave but dont want to be comforted
Psychosexual stages
Oral stage-seek pleasure through their mouths
Anal stage-during toilet training
Phallic stage-oedipus complex
Latency stage-period of calm
Genital stage-sexual pleasure where they stay for the rest of their lives
Trust versus mistrust
Babies learn whether or not they can trust the environment around them
Autonomy versus shame and doubt
Toddlers begin to exert their will over their own bodies for the first time.
Initiative versus guilt
Natural curiosity
Industry versus inferiority
Beginning of formal education. We expect to perform as well as our peers at school
Identity versus role confusion
To discover what social identity we are most comfortable with
Intimacy versus isolation
Young adults who estabalished stable identities the must figure out how to balance their ties and efforts between work and relationships.
Generativity versus stagnation
To look critically at our life path.
Integrity versus despair
Looking back on life either fondly or not
Jean Piaget
First intelligence test. Cognitive development thoery
Sensorimotor stage
Exploring world through their senses
Preoperational stage
Acquiring the scheme of object permanence,beginning of language.
Concrete operations
Understanding concepts of conservation
Formal operation stage
The final stage 12 and up
Information processing model
Points out that our abilities to memorize ,interpret ,and perceive gradually develop as we age rather that in distinct stages
Kohlbergs stage theory