Gross motor 2 months
Lifts head/chest when prone
Fine motor 2 months
Eyes track past midline
Communication/social 2 months
Alerts to sound
Social smile
Gross motor 4 months
rolls front to back
fine motor 4 months
Grasps a rattle
Communication/social 4 months
Laughs, soothed by parents voice
6 month fine motor
Reaches with one hand, transfers object
9 month gross motor
pulls to stand
9 month social
mama/dada indiscriminately
waves bye-bye
How old to play gesture games
9 months
how old to point to desired object
12 months
immature vs fine pincer grip
Immature at 9 months
Fine at 12 months
Vocal at 12 months
One word other than mama/dada
Follows one step commands with a gesture
How old to scribble with a crayon
15 months
15 month old verbal
3-5 words
How old to build a tower of 3 cubes
18 months
How old to try and “help” around house
18 months
Vocal at 24 months
- Speaks in 2 word combinations
- > 50 word vocab
- Parallel play
How old for a tricycle
3 years (36 months)
How old to brush teeth with help
3 years
How old to copy a line with a crayon
24 months
How hold to hop
4 years
Fine motor at 4 years
Copies a square or cross
When is 75% of language audible to stranger? 100%?
75% at 3 years
100% at 4
How old to copy a square or cross
4 years
How old to copy a triangle
5 years
How old to skip
5 years
How old to know 4 colors
4 years