Developmental Biology of Sex, Errors In Sexual Determination & Differentiation , Congenital Anomalies Of Genital Tract Flashcards
What is the single most consistent determinant of maleness?
Presence of Y chromosome
The Wolffian ducts can differentiate into which structures? (3)
- Epididymis
- Vas deferens
- Seminal vesicles
The Mullerian ducts can differentiate into which structures? (4)
Fallopian tube
Upper vagina 1/3
Which hormone is responsible for the differentiation of Wollfian ducts?
Which hormone is responsible for the differentiation of Mullerian ducts?
Mullerian Inhibiting Factor
This error in gametogenesis occurs when chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis, leading to one of the daughter cells having both chromosomes, while the other has none.
What condition leads to male pseudohermaphroditism ?
Androgen insensitivity
What condition leads to female pseudohermaphroditism ?
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Treatment of uterine septum?
Operative hysteroscopic septoplasty or metroplasty
Syndrome where the patient is genetically male but with congenital absence of testes .
Swyer Syndrome / Pure Gonadal Agenesis 46 XY
Syndrome where there is failure of the ovaries to respond to FSH and LH secondary to receptor defect.
Savage Syndrome
Commonly associated with anomalies of the uterus? (2)
- Inguinal hernias
- Urinary Tract Anomalies
- unilateral renal agenesis
- horseshoe kidneys
Condition commonly misdiagnosed as imperforate hymen ?
Vaginal atresia
Reproductive structures arising from the Mullerian system? (3)
- Fundus of the uterine corpus
- Fallopian tubes
- Endocervix
Syndrome of Congenital absence of GnRH with associated anosmia?
Kallman Syndtome
History shows glucose intolerance, hypertension, buffalo hump , central obesity.
What’s the Laboratory test and Treatment?
Dexamethasone suppression test
Rapid onset virilism with abdominal mass. Whats the diagnosis, appropriate lab test and management?
Adrenal tumor
Diagnosis and management. Patient with Ambiguous genitalia, hypotension and elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone.
Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia
Replace cortisol and mineralocorticoid
Onset since menarche, hirsutism , rarely virilization. Diagnosis and Lab findings?
Elevated LH-FSH ratio
Rapid onset, Hirsutism , virilism, adnexal mass. Diagnosis ,Lab finding , Treatment?
Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor
Elevated Testosterone lvls