Development Flashcards
the formation of primary germ layers begins at ______.
8 weeks
ectoderm derives into (4)
- epidermis
- lens and cornea
- nervous system
- internal ear
mesoderm derives into (4)
- skeleton
- muscle
- lymphoid tissues
- kidney and ureters
endoderm derives into (3)
- gut
- respiratory epithelium and glands
- bladder
- 3cm thick disc
- surface facing fetus is smooth and connected to umbilical cord
placenta is important because it ensures_____
the fetal and mothers blood do not mix
what increases as the placenta villi grow
- starts around day 11
- include both the mother and embryonic tissue
syncytiotrophoblast… (during placentation) and the mesenchyme….
grows into chorionic villi; form blood vessels from the embryoblast
chorionic vill… (during placentation)
digest lacunae spaces that fill with maternal blood
what forms the placenta (2)
stratum deciduas with the chorionic villi
ectopic pregnancy (2)
- blastocyst implants outside the uterus
- most of the time in the uterine tube that ruptures after 12 weeks
sperm must remove a layer of cholesterol and inhibitory factors from the acrosomal vesicle that require the females secretions
following capacitation the sperm are
fragile, will last only 48 hours post ejaculation
what is the window of opportunity for pregnancy (2)
48 hours before ovulation
12-24 hours after
what is the last step of sperm for fertilization
the first sperms to arrive must? how is this accomplished
breakdown the corona radiata; release of hyaloronidases following the acrosomal reaction
the second wave of sperm….
attach to receptors on the zona pellucida and also trigger acrosomal reaction
the first sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida….
will fuse with the plasma membrane of the egg and release its pronuclei
more than 1 sperm entering an egg
what are the mechanisms to prevent polyspermy?
fast block
slow block
fast block (3)
- penetration depolarizes the egg and causes opening of voltage sensitive sodium channels
- occurs throughout the egg
- inactivates sperm receptors on the egg
slow block (3)
- depolarization of the fast block causes calcium sensitive channels to open
- calcium causes release of cortical granules that are spread between the egg and zona pellucida
- fluid begins to fill the area between the zona and egg
fertilized egg
cleavage (2)
- rapid mitosis without growth
- occurs 30 hours post fertilization
hatching (3)
- cell mass no longer undergoing cleavage
- time egg feeds on uterine milk
- blastocyst begins to form
a hollow sphere with an outer layer and inner layer
inner layer of blastocyst
embryoblast (becomes embryo)
outer layer of blastocyst
trophoblast (becomes chorion)
fetal part of the placenta
dizygotic twins (2)
- fraternal twins
- 2 eggs ovulated and fertilized
monozygotic twins (2)
- splitting of the embryoblast
- maternal twins
syncytiotrophoblast (3)
- fusion of the trophoblast
- secretes HCG
- becomes chorion