Dev team failed to fulfill the commitment Flashcards


as a product owner it is highly important to understand the reason behind the failure of the development team to complete the sprint commitment the reasons for the failure can be plenty such as it might be because of incorrect estimation or over commitment or it might be because of a lack of trust and collaboration in the team might be because of the team not understanding the user story and interpreting it differently

you need to continuously keep track of the progress of the development team and identify which of these reasons are responsible for the failure of the team

based on this reason the product owner needs to work with the development team and scrum master to find the solution during a sprint review

the development team demos new functionality you’ve never seen before

how would you react ideally this wouldn’t happen because the product owner and the scrum master always attend

the daily scrum meetings and monitor the health of the sprint in case the scenario occurs then the

requirement should be discussed reviewed and taken up for discussion in sprint retrospective meetings to

understand the root cause and fix the issue in other words the entire scrum team needs to take a call on whether to keep

the functionality as it is or discarded and come back to what was agreed at the beginning of the sprint

the next question is how will you know that agile practices are working for your organization

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the development team demos new functionality you’ve never seen before


this wouldn’t happen because the product owner and the scrum master always attend
the daily scrum meetings and monitor the health of the sprint in case the scenario occurs then the

requirement should be discussed reviewed and taken up for discussion in sprint retrospective meetings to

understand the root cause and fix the issue in other words the entire scrum team needs to take a call on whether to keep

the functionality as it is or discarded and come back to what was agreed at the beginning of the sprint

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