Dev 1 Flashcards
4th ventricle
3rd ventricle
cerebral hemispheres
lateral ventricles
interventricular foramen (of Monro)
connects a lateral ventricle to the 3rd ventricle.
cerebral aqueduct (or aqueduct of Sylvius).
The 3rd ventricle is connected to the 4th ventricle via this
neuroepithelial cells
the walls of the neural tube are made of rapidly dividing pseudostratified cells
Neuroepithelial layer
Once the neural tube closes the neuroepithelial layer (currently only made of neuroepithelial cells) will begin to differentiate to give rise to another cell type. This other cell type are primitive nerve cells (aka neuroblasts). These primitive nerve cells will form their own cell layer called the mantle layer. This mantle layer surrounds the neuroepithelial layer.
Neuroepithelial layer – primitive neural tube cells, will be neuroblasts to neurons. Axons and dendrites occupy mantle layer.
mantle layer
will become gray matter of spinal cord
Marginal layer
The marginal layer will become the white matter of the spinal cord.
Basal plates
The ventral thickenings on the left and right sides are called the basal plates - spinal cord, comes from mantle layer.
will form the ventral (motor) horns of the spinal cord
Alar plates
dorsal thickenings on the left and right sides are called the alar plates.
will form the dorsal (sensory) horns of the spinal cord
Adults have no
Adult – no neuroepithelial layer.
intermediate horn
An additional horn will form the basal plate called the intermediate horn that will contain the presynaptic sympathetic nerve cell bodies, and will only exist from T1-L2/3.
Glial cells
- Oligodendroglia
- Ependymal
- Microglia
- Schwann (neural crest)
ependymal cells
which are the cells lining the central canal of the spinal cord and the other ventricular spaces within the CNS.
association neurons (aka interneurons).
Axons of the alar plate (dorsal sensory horn) will either ascend of descend within the marginal layer of the spinal cord as association neurons (aka interneurons).
General) Somatic Efferent
Somatic striated muscles (skeletal muscles that contract voluntarily except for those derived from the pharyngeal arches).
Special Visceral (brachial) Efferent SVE
Striated (skeletal) muscles derived from the pharyngeal arches, except for CN XI.
General Visceral Efferent
aka the autonomic nervous system.
(General) Somatic Afferent (general sensory)
General sensations such as touch, temperature & pain.
Special Afferent
Special sense (taste, smell, vision, hearing & balance).
General Visceral Afferent
Interoceptive information.
The myelencephalon will become the
medulla oblongata
pontine nuclei
pons - which are involved in transmitting formation between the cerebral cortex and cerebellar cortex).
rhombic lips
The dorsolateral parts of the alar plates will grow out (rhombic lips) and encompass the 4th ventricle, merging to the form the cerebellar plate.
The basal plates within the mesencephalon will only form two of the three possible groups:
(1) Somatic efferent
(2) general visceral efferent
crus cerebri
The marginal layer around the basal plates will enlarge to form the crus cerebri (aka cerebral peduncles), which like the pons, act as a pathway for fibers between the cerebral cortex and the pons and spinal cord.
Superior (anterior) colliculus
correction and reflexes of visual impulses
Inferior (posterior) colliculus
synaptic relay for auditory reflexes.
The roof plate - diencephalon
Diencephalon will form from the medial part of the prosencephalon. The diencephalon has alar plates and a roof plate. The roof plate will form the choroid plexus of the 3rd ventricle and will form the pineal body (aka epiphysis). The pineal body modulates how light/dark impact the endocrine system and behavior. Circadian rhythm.
Hypothalamic sulcus
separates hypo and thalamus (feint line).
The telencephalon forms the lateral parts of the prosencephalon. The most lateral aspects of the telencephalon is the cerebral cortex. Deep to the cerebral cortex (but still part of the cerebral hemispheres) are some limbic structures, most of the basal ganglia, and the internal capsule.
The autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic & sympathetic) are two neuron systems. The first neuron (preganglionic) exists in the craniosacral region (parasympathetic) or in the thoracolumbar region (sympathetic) in the gray matter of the brainstem and spinal cord. The second neuron (in both parasympathetic and sympathetic) are derived from neural crest cells.
In both cases the soma of the first neuron is located in the CNS
In both cases the soma of the second neuron is in the PNS and is derived from neural crest cells
Cranial region opening = anencephaly
- usually causes brain to not develop.
Folic Acid
-Folic Acid shown to prevent upwards of 70% of NTDs
abnormal accumulation of CSF, obstruction of cerebral aqueduct
CN 1
olfactory - special afferent
CN I is associated with the cerebral cortex.
Optic nerve - special afferent
CN II is associated with the diencephalon.
oculomotor - General somatic efferent, General visceral efferent
CN’s III through XII are associated with the brainstem.
CN III is associated with the midbrain.
trochlear- general somatic efferent
trigeminal nerve -
special visceral efferent
General somatic afferent
abducens - general somatic efferent
Facial nerve:
Special visceral efferent, General visceral efferent
General somatic afferent, special visceral afferent
vestibulocochlear - special afferent
glossopharyngeal -
Special visceral efferent, General visceral efferent
General somatic afferent, special visceral afferent
special afferent
vagus -
Special visceral efferent, General visceral efferent
General somatic afferent, special visceral afferent
special afferent
accessory -
special visceral efferent
hypoglossal - general somatic efferent
CNs VI through XII are associated with the
hindbrain (pons & medulla).
The hindbrain is split into eight
rhombomeres, which give rise to the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves.