Descent and Approach General/Procedural Information Flashcards
What are the tasks associated with the descent checklist?
PM tasks are completed prior to the flow and reading the checklist.
-Obtain WX
-Perform PAX briefing
-Passenger signs ON
-Landing distance assessment
-MCDU programing (2)
–Determine landing weight
–Determine landing distance
–Set landing speed data
-Set and cross-check the following items, as required for the approach type:
–Call Company (when in range)
PF Tasks
-MCDU programing: Load the STAR (when applicable) and approach for planned runway
-Set and cross-check the following items as required for the approach type:
–Accomplish WANT briefing. (4)
-Set AUTOBRAKE, as required
-Verify approach and landing speeds
What are the descent flows for the PF and PM?
Double check this…
Lights and Seat Belt Signs
Landing Data
LFOD Water Dump Button
Seat belt / Shoulder Harness
Approach Briefing
When are the descent flows accomplished?
Transition altitude “Descent Checklist”
Define all four landing “v” speeds
Vref- Landing reference speed. A reference for Vap calculation. It is the minimum recommended speed at 50 ft over the threshold. It is the speed used in the landing distance calculations. AKA Nominal speed over threshold
Vap- Approach speed. The speed on final approach, target speed in landing configuration.
Vac- Approach Climb Speed. The speed to be used in case of a single engine go-around with Go-around Flaps and Landing Gear Retracted
Vfs- Final Segment Speed. The speed to be achieved during the final takeoff segment, with landing gear up and flaps retracted.
Calculate VAPP for various wind directions and speeds
Vap = Vref + 1/2 Steady Headwind Component + Gust factor
Visual, Non-Precision, and Cat 1 Approaches:
Minimum Vap = Vref + 5
Maximum Vap = Vref + 20
Cat II Approaches and/or Ice Accumulation:
Minimum Vap = Vref
Maximum Vap = Vref + 20
Understand procedures and restrictions for LAHSO
PIC has final authority to accept or decline any LAHSO clearance. (Decline when it compromises safety, after ATIS decline upon initial contact).
* Weather minimums may be no lower than 1,000 ft and 3 miles (PAPI or VASI available and working), otherwise 1,500 ft and 5 miles are required.
* No windshear reported in the last 20 minutes prior to LAHSO clearance being issued.
* The tail wind on the LAHSO runway must be less than 3 kt.
Approach must be stabilized by:
-1,000ft HAT for straight-in visual approaches
-MDA or 500ft HAT, whichever is lower, when a circling maneuver is to be done after completing an instrument approach
* Dry runway required
* Calculated minimum landing distance must be less than LAHSO distance.
-Touchdown must be in the first 1/3 of the available landing distance or in the first 3,000ft, whichever is less
* Night LAHSO is conducted only where the FAA-Approved LAHSO night lighting system is installed and operating.
* No MEL item may exist affecting the stopping capability of the aircraft.
-Pilot give a full read back of all LAHSO clearances
-A LAHSO clearance is not accepted below 1,000ft AGL on final approach
-Once accepted must be adhered to, except for a go around
Night LAHSO system- ORD, DFW, YYC, and STL. Can get LAS during the day
Understand TALPA and know where to find the Runway Condition Decision Matrix
FAA’s Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment. It’s an attempt to standardize runway reporting and increase safety margins.
The TALPA initiative uses an objective measurement of contamination type and depth, with consideration given to temperature and aircraft performance to
determine expected braking capability for a given runway.
Only contaminants with percentages >25% are considered performance calculations.
You can find the runway condition decision matrix in company manuals under “Weather” tab
Recite Stabilized Approach Criteria
By 1,500 ft HAT or the FAF, whichever occurs first:
* Landing gear down
* Flap 3
* Airspeed no greater than 180 KIAS
PM will announce deviations in configuration, speed, or descent rate from the plan
By 1,000 ft HAT:
* On lateral and vertical profile
* Airspeed within +15 and -5 kt of ap
* Sink rate is no greater than 1,000ft/min; if an approach requires a higher sink rate, a briefing is required
* The aircraft must be fully configured for landing and the BEFORE LANDING CHECKLIST complete.
By 500 ft HAT:
* Airspeed established within the bug with adjustment for gust factor applied, if required
* Thrust levers above idle.
For a VMC circle-to-land maneuver, the aircraft must be stabilized and aligned with the runway by 500ft HAT