Dermatology II scenarios Flashcards
Would a pt with a Fitzpatrick skin type of 1 burn frequently or infrequently?
An older pt has lots of small papules and larger plaques with a “stuck-on” appearance.
1) They likely have what?
2) Is this benign or malignant? Does it need Tx?
3) What should you exclude before you Dx this?
1) Seborrheic keratosis
2) Benign; no treatment necessary, can use cryo if bothersome
3) SCC & melanoma
A pt with an endocrine disorder and obesity has velvet, thickened, hyperpigmentation on their neck, axilla, groin, and other body folds.
1) They likely have what?
2) Is this curable?
1) Acanthosis nigricans
2) Difficult to completely eradicate
A 45 year old pt has a small, bright red papule on their trunk. They also have a dark purple/ blackish papule of a similar nature, also on their trunk.
1) What do they have?
2) Do you need to Tx? Explain
1) Cherry angiomas aka hemangiomas
2) Not needed; but, laser or electrocoagulation. Cryo not effective
A farmer presents with multiple rough, scaley, pink lesions that are not well demarcated on his neck, his head, and hands. They feel like sandpaper.
1) This is describing what?
2) Is this benign or malignant? Does it need Tx?
1) Actinic keratosis
2) Precancerous (m/c precursor lesion of Squamous cell carcinoma)
-Cryo- and laser surgery, 5- fluorouracil cream, imiquimod cream
A selfie-taking middle school girl has pruritis of her scalp and neck. Upon inspection there are excoriations on her scalp, and visible dots along her hair shafts.
1) What is the likely Dx?
2) DDxs?
3) How do you make the Dx?
1) Pediculosis (lice)
2) Seborrheic dermatitis, scabies, bed bugs, hair spray or gel, impetigo, LSC, delusions of parasitosis
3) Clinical detection of lice (louse comb), nits within 4 mm of scalp
How would you treat a pt with pediculosis (lice)?
1) Over-the-counter treatment: Permethrin cream rinse (5% Elimite, 1% Nix) (resistance common)
2) Prescription treatments:
-Topical ivermectin lotion (most effective,) benzyl alcohol
-Malathion (Ovide): > 6 y/o (volatile, flammable)
-Lindane (Kwell): not 1st line (neurotoxicity, seizures), do not use in children. Not used in US
3) Other: Remove nits using a special comb (wet combing)
-Sanitize clothing and bedding (hot water)
-Examine/treat close contacts at same time, especially children
A toddler pt has intense, generalized, intractable pruritis “itching so bad they can’t sleep”. Upon PE you note burrows, vesicles, nodules, excoriations and serpiginous ridges. It is all over their body and head, but predominantly in ridges/ skin folds.
1) What is the Dx?
2) How do you make this Dx?
3) Tx?
1) Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei)
2) Clinical, skin scraping for mites, eggs, & feces
3) Elimite (5% Permethrin 60 gm) - apply from neck down after bath (< 2 yo treat head also) leave on 8-10 hrs then rinse. Repeat in 1 wk. Do not use in children < 2 months old
-Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO q2wk x 2 doses give w food if crusted or severe give more often
-Pruritis can continue up to 2-3 weeks (Post Scabietic Dermatitis); can use topical steroids, antihistamines (Atarax, Benadryl)
-Clothes, sheets, etc. wash normally the next morning; bedspread, stuffed animals, pillows, coats put in plastic bag for 7 days
-Treat all family members on the same nights as patient
A pt says they were bit by a spider on their hand while grabbing firewood. They report that they initially had no Sx, but around an hour and a half later, they began to experience muscle pain.
1) Dx?
2) Tx?
3) When can they expect the pain to go away?
1) Black widow bite (Latrodectus (widow spiders))
2) Depends on severity, but consider antivenom + monitor vitals and breathing closely
3) Pain self-limited, resolves in 24-72 hours
A pt has red, white, blue lesion on their upper arm with some necrosis.
1) Dx?
2) Important pt of Tx?
1) Brown recluse bite (Loxosceles (recluse spiders))
2) Surgical debridement
A pt has a scarring type of alopecia. Can they expect their hair loss to be temporary or permanent?
A pt with Hashimoto thyroiditis has a round patch on their scalp of “exclamation point hairs” (2-3 mm long) with no visible scarring. They also seem to be missing a patch from their beard.
1) What could this be? What can this be associated with?
2) Does it need Tx? Explain
1) Alopecia areata
2) Self-limiting: 80% complete re-growth (focal)
PO steroids (severe), IL steroids
A 55 year old female just lost a bunch of weight a year ago. She got COVID shortly after. She got a divorce this year. She is now experiencing hair loss.
1) Likely Dx?
2) How do you Dx?
4) Tx?
1) Telogen Effluvium
2) Pt. history + hair pull test (if > 4-6 hairs fall out w bulbs @ root then TE likely) + labs (thyroid panel, vitamin deficiencies)
4) Supportive care, reassurance, self-care.
-Hair grows back over months when stress resolves
A pt with DM has subungual debris w. friable nails.
1) Likely Dx?
2) How would you need to confirm this Dx?
3) Should you Tx?
1) Tinea unguium (trichophyton (T. rubrum) infection)
2) KOH prep (hyphae), fungal culture
3) Difficult to treat: long therapy & frequent recurrence, but you should treat this pt
Indications for treatment: discomfort, inability to exercise, DM, immunocompromised
1) How would you Tx a pt with Tinea unguium who has an indication to treat?
2) What do you need to do before you treat?
1) Fingernails: PO griseofulvin w/high fat meal x 4mo
Toenails: PO terbinafine
2) Must confirm dx prior to tx **Hepatic function test & CBC q4-6 weeks for PO antifungals