Dermatology II Flashcards
1) What is the most common benign epithelial tumor?
2) Demographic of this tumor?
3) What does it look like?
1) Seborrheic keratosis
2) Hereditary, rare before 30 y/o, M>F
3) Skin-colored, tan, brown, black
Small papules to larger plaques with warty surface (“stuck-on” appearance)
1) What does seborrheic keratosis look like?
2) What should you exclude?
3) What is the Tx?
1) Stippling on surface; face, trunk, upper extremities
2) Exclude SCC & melanoma
3) No treatment necessary, can use cryo if bothersome
What may be described as having a “stuck-on” appearance?
Seborrheic keratosis
Acanthosis nigricans:
1) What does it look like? Where?
2) What’s it related to?
1) Velvet, thickened, hyperpigmentation on neck, axilla, groin, other body folds
2) Obesity, endocrine disorders, diabetes, drugs (insulin, OCP and other hormone therapies, corticosteroids,) and malignancy
What is the Fitzpatrick skin type scale? Describe each type
1) Type 1: always burns, never tans
2) Type 2: usually burns, tans w. difficulty
3) Type 3: burns mildly, tans gradually
4) Type 4: rarely burns, tans w. ease
5) Type 5: never burns, tans very easily
Acanthosis nigricans:
1) When is it common?
2) Tx?
1) Can be common at the onset of puberty (endocrine issue)
2) Treatment: retinoids, address underlying disorders, difficult to completely eradicate
Cherry angioma (aka hemangioma):
1) What is it typically?
2) What color can it be?
3) What are the Sx?
1) Very common erythematous papule. Typically <3mm.
2) Can be violaceous or black
3) Asymptomatic, usually occur on trunk, benign
Cherry angioma (aka hemangioma):
1) Demographic?
2) What causes them?
3) Tx?
1) Age 30+
2) Dilated capillaries
3) Laser or electrocoagulation. Cryo not effective
List 2 examples of benign lesions
1) Seborrheic keratosis
2) Cherry angiomas
True or false: Actinic keratosis is precancerous [to SCC]
Actinic keratosis:
1) Is it painful?
2) Is it benign? Explain.
3) Tx?
1) Possibly tender, painful if excoriated
2) Precancerous (m/c precursor lesion of Squamous cell carcinoma)
3) Cryo- and laser surgery, 5- fluorouracil cream, imiquimod cream
Actinic keratosis:
1) What does it look like?
2) What skin does it occur in?
3) Demographics?
4) What size and texture?
1) Single or multiple discrete, pinkish, dry, rough, or adherent scaly lesions, not well demarcated
2) Habitually sun-exposed skin of adults (outdoor workers)
3) Middle age, M>F, Skin Type I-III
4) Usually < 1cm, round or oval-ish; rough, like coarse sandpaper
True or false: cryosurgery/ cryotherapy is used on focused, small spots that could turn into SCCs (like actinic keratosis, not melanomas)
List 2 derm parasites
Lice & scabies
What are the 3 members or pediculosis (lice) infestations?
1) Head lice: Pediculus Humanus Capitis
2) Pubic lice/ crabs: Phthirus pubis
3) Nits (eggs) on hair shafts (even eyelashes)
Pediculosis (lice):
1) How is it transmitted?
2) Sx? What can cause secondary infection?
1) Transmission: hats, caps, brushes, combs, pillows, theater seats (crowding, poverty, low personal hygiene,) SELFIES
2) Pruritis of scalp and back of neck (excoriations on scalp (r/o secondary infection)); possible posterior occipital lymphadenopathy; visible lice and nits
Pediculosis (lice):
1) DDx?
2) How is it diagnosed?
1) Seborrheic dermatitis, scabies, bed bugs, hair spray or gel, impetigo, LSC, delusions of parasitosis
2) Clinical detection of lice (louse comb), nits within 4 mm of scalp
Visible lice and nits and pruritis are Sx of what?
Treatment (capitus & pubis) for pediculosis: what is the OTC/ first line option?
Permethrin cream rinse (5% Elimite, 1% Nix) (resistance common
1) What are some prescription Txs for pediculosis?
2) What Rx is not used anymore?
1) Topical ivermectin lotion (most effective,) benzyl alcohol
Malathion (Ovide): > 6 y/o (volatile, flammable)
2) Lindane (Kwell): not 1st line (neurotoxicity, seizures), do not use in children. Not used in US
1) How are nits removed?
2) What else should be done (besides Rx)?
1) Remove nits using a special comb (wet combing)
2) Sanitize clothing and bedding (hot water)
Examine/treat close contacts at same time, especially children
Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei):
1) What are its Sx?
2) Where does it typically occur?
1) Intense, generalized, intractable pruritis “Itching so bad I can’t sleep”
-Burrows, vesicles, nodules, excoriations
-Skin-colored, linear or serpiginous ridges
2) Interdigital web spaces, axilla, wrists, flexor areas waist, groin, waistband, genitals (usually spares head & neck in adults)
1) What are 3 DDx for scabies?
2) How is scabies diagnosed?
1) Can look like urticaria, drug reactions, eczema
2) Clinical, skin scraping for mites, eggs, & feces
Scabies: What are the 2 Rx options?
1) Elimite (5% Permethrin 60 gm): apply from neck down after bath (< 2 yo treat head also) leave on 8-10 hrs then rinse.
-Repeat in 1 wk. Do not use in children < 2 months old
2) Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg/dose PO q2wk x 2 doses give w food if crusted or severe give more often
1) How long can scabies pruritis last? How is this extra itching treated?
2) What else is important to consider for scabies (besides Rx)
1) Pruritis can continue up to 2-3 weeks (Post Scabietic Dermatitis)
Topical steroids, Antihistamines (Atarax, Benadryl)
2) Clothes, sheets, etc. wash normally the next morning; bedspread, stuffed animals, pillows, coats put in plastic bag for 7 days
-Treat all family members on the same nights as patient
Latrodectism: Latrodectus (widow spiders):
1) When do black widow bites usually occur?
2) Where do most bites occur?
3) Are there Sx? Explain
1) Outdoor activities
2) ~75% on extremities
3) Initially asymptomatic or mild pain; systemic symptoms 30-120 min
Latrodectism: Latrodectus (widow spiders):
1) What are the primary Sx?
2) Is it a self-limiting condition?
3) What are some other Sx?
1) Muscle pain (extremities, abdomen, back), rigidity
2) Pain self-limited, resolves in 24-72 hours
3) Possibly tremor, diaphoresis, weakness, shaking, local paresthesia, nausea, vomiting, HA
Latrodectism: Latrodectus (widow spiders):
1) What does Tx depend on?
2) Explain Tx
1) Depends on severity
2) Wound care, PO analgesics
IV analgesics & benzos, consider Antivenom
Monitor vitals and breathing closely
Loxoscelism: Loxosceles (recluse spiders):
1) Where do these bites usually occur? What do they possibly look like?
2) Are there Sx?
3) Is it self-limiting?
1) Upper arm, thorax, inner thigh, LE
Red plaque or papule, vesicles possible
2) Usually asymptomatic, may have pain or burning
3) Most self-resolve in 1 week