Dermatology I scenarios Flashcards
How would you describe a pt’s spot that cannot be palpated?
Macule/ patch
How would you describe a liquidy-filled sac that’s firm? (i.e. not squishy & not hard)
A small, solid bump is typically what?
A pt has white exudate come out of a bump. What type of skin lesion did they likely have?
A pt has a flat or barely elevated plaque. What is this, and what is a potential Dx?
Patch; atopic dermatitis/ eczema
A pt has a defect in the epidermis only. Is this an ulcer?
No; an ulcer is a defect in dermis or deeper (heals with scar & usually indented)
A pt has pruritis, scaling, and fissuring. How would you differentiate from the two forms of eczema/ dermatitis?
1) Acute: pruritis, erythema, vesiculation
2) Chronic: pruritis, xerosis, lichenification
A pt has multiple wheals/rash[es], what can you call this?
Urticaria; “hives, whelps”
A pt has a well-defined bump with a thin roof; it’s filled with serum and blood. What is this called?
Vesicle/ bulla (aka blister)
Vesicle <0.5 cm
Bulla >0.5 cm
A pt having a scrape is an example of what kind of skin defect?
What are the 8 things you need to describe abt a patient’s skin lesion?
Location/distribution (extent, pattern)
Arrangement (grouped vs disseminated & confluence (yes or no)
Margination (well- or ill-defined)
Palpation (consistency, temperature, mobility, tenderness, depth)
Type (ie, papule, macule, pustule)
Number of lesions
A pt has intense pruritis, erythema, and vesiculation that has just started. What is a potential Dx?
Acute ezcema
A pt has irregularly-shaped, elevated, edematous spots. They have well-demarcated borders but are not stable; they’ll disappear within 24-48 hours. What are they?
A pt has a pemphigoid or a pemphigus. Both of these can be describe as what?
Vesicular bullae
What do your pts with erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis have in common?
They have a desquamation issue
A pt has had pruritis, xerosis, and lichenification for a while. This is characteristic of which form of eczema?
A pt has all the Sx of dyshidrotic eczema, but you aren’t sure if the timeframe they’ve had it matches that Dx. What are the forms of dyshidrotic eczema?
Acute, chronic, & recurrent
A pt figures out that their laundry detergent was what was causing their dermatitis. What kind of dermatitis is this?
Irritant contact dermatitis
A pt has deep-seated pruritic, clear “tapioca-like” vesicles every so often.
1) What do they have?
2) How do you treat?
1) Dyshidrotic eczema (recurrent)
2) Strong steroids, IL steroids, or PO prednisone for severe cases
A 25 y/o female pt has localized lichenification in circumscribed plaques. What is likely the cause, and what is the main part of Tx?
Repetitive rubbing & scratching; D/c rubbing and scratching
A 55 y/o male pt has coin-shaped plaques of grouped small papules & vesicles on an erythematous base on his legs and arms. They are extremely itchy.
1) What is your Dx? Is this acute or chronic?
2) Tx options?
1) Nummular eczema; chronic
2) Moisturizer, topical steroid, PUVA or UVB
A pt has dermatitis from a nickel allergy. What type is this?
Allergic contact dermatitis
A pt has been working in their yard and has well-demarcated erythema and edema with non-umbilicated vesicles and papules. She reports they’re both stinging and itching.
1) What is their Dx?
2) Likely causes?
1) Allergic contact dermatitis
2) Plant exposure, chemical residues
A pt has burning, weeping well-demarcated erythema and edema, non-umbilicated papules.
1) What is likely the Dx?
2) Tx?
-Incl. Tx for if it was severe
1) Contact dermatitis
2) Remove etiologic agent, wet dressings/Burrow’s solution (OTC,) topical glucocorticoids
-PO prednisone (if severe)