Dermatology Flashcards
Dry Skin Symptoms
Dull in appearance Rough Scaly Prone to cracking Itching
Dry Skin Causes
- Exposure to sun and wind
- Aircon
- Soaps and strong detergents
- Aging
- Genetics
- Certain drugs
Dry Skin Tx
Dry Skin Counselling
- Avoid Cause
- Avoid wool and synthetics
- Avoid soap
- Moisturise
- Moisturising sunscreen
- Moisturising lip balm with SPF
Eczema Symptoms
- Dry, scaly, red rash or lesions
- intense itch
- inside elbows, behind knees, cheeks, forehead, outer limbs
- Flareups and remission
Eczema Tx
- Aim to reduce itch and damage from scratching
- Apply emollients after bathing and when needed
- Topical Corticosteroids
- Oral Antihistamines
Eczema Conselling
- Avoid overheating
- Loose light clothing
- Avoid wool and synthetics
- Avoid soap
- pat dry, dont rub
Irritant Contact Dermatitis
- Inflammation
- Itching
- Burning
- Stinging
- Redness
- Blistering and oozing
- Dry and Scaly
Allergic Contact Dematitis
Rashes in unusual patterns Allergens: - Latex - Nickel - Resins - Plants
Dermatitis Tx
- Avoid irritant
- Avoid soap
- Moisturise
- Topical corticosteroids
- Oral antihistamines
Topical Corticosteroid Use
Indications: - Inflammatory skin conditions - Insect bites - Sunburn Contraindications: - Acne - Infection - Ulcerative conditions - Impaired circulation Dose: one fingertip = two hands
Fungal Skin Infections
- Tinea/Thrush
- Grow in moist warm conditions
- Contagious
Fungal Skin Infection Symptoms
- Sharp margin between infected and non-infected
- Itchy, irritated, burning sensation
- Dry & scaly
Fungal Skin Infection Tx
Azoles - Inhibit growth of fungi - Eg. Canesten, Daktarin - Combination with hydrocortisone can be used for 7 days to relieve itch and inflamation Allylamines - Kill fungi - eg. Lamisil, Loceryl - Most effective Nystatin - Candida only
Fungal Skin Infection Counseling
- Keep area clean and dry
- Don’t share towels
- Wear breathable clothes
- Avoid soap
- Avoid scratching
Cause: Increase in sebum production due to increase in androgen production
- Genetic
- Bacteria
- Hormonal
- Stress
- Some drugs
- Not poor hygeine or diet*
Acne Tx
Benzoyl peroxide - eg. Benzac and Panoxyl Azelaic acid - eg. Ego's Azcler Action Keratolytic - eg. salicylic acid & sulfur preperations, Clean & Clear
Benzoyl Peroxide
- First line (mild-moderate)
- Antibacterial & keratolytic
- 2.5% initiallu then increase strength as needed
Acne Counselling
- Treatment takes time
- Worsened by cosmetics and sweat
- Avoid abrasive scrubs
- Keep hair clean and off face
- Oil-free products
- Don’t pick or squeeze pimples
Mouth Ulcer Symptoms
Localised, shallow, clearly defined round oval lesions on the mucosal surface of movable parts of the mouth
- Painful and can make eating difficult
Mouth Ulcer Causes
Non-Medical: - Trauma - Hormonal - Emotional - Chemical irratation - Smoking cessation Medical: Im too lazy to write them out
Mouth Ulcer Tx
- Topical pain relievers
- Orabase protective paste
- Orabase + triamcinolone (steroid)
Mouth Ulcer Counselling
- Minimise irritation
- Maxamise health
- Moniter duration, frequency, size, location
Cold Sore Prodromal Symptoms
Burning, itching, pain or tingling symptoms prior to vesicle eruption
Cold Sore Symptoms
- Blisters and vesicals associated with redness
- Itchy and painful
- Appear around mouth or nose
Cold Sore Cause
Herpes Simplex virus
- Once contracted, with a person for life
- Stimulus triggers reactivation
Cold Sore Triggers
- Stress
- Ill-health
- Sunlight
- Other viral infections
Cold Sore Tx
- Antiviral medicines
- Ice
After Appearance:
- Menthol, camphor or ammonia relieve pain and itch
- Povidine-iodine relieves pain and itch with antiviral and antibacterial action
- Compeed patch, protects, heals and prevents spread
Cold Sore Counselling
- Good hygeine
- Avoid sharing anything
- Avoid close contact with others
Sun Exposure Protective Response
- Melanocytes increase production of melanin
- Melanin absorbs both UVA and UVB and protects skin from damage
- BUT melanin synthesis is slow and skin damage may have already occured; sunburn
Inflammatory response to excessive exposure to UV light
Skin Cancer
SCC & BCC: Chronic, long-term exposure to sunlight
MM: Acute, intense & intermittent blistering sunburns
Precancerous lesions
Solar keratosis
Vitamin D
Forms in the skin when exposed to sunlight
Absorb UV energy and protect against UVA and UVB
- must meet TGA standards
Sun protectant Factor
SPF15+: blocks 93% of rays
SPF30+: blocks 96.6% of rays
Sunscreen Water Resistance
- Don’t come of when you perspire
- Often thick and greasy
- Not as effective in rough surf
Sunscreen Application
- 20 min before exposure
- Reapply every 2 hrs and after swimming
- You can even get burnt in the snow
Sunburn Tx
Aloe vera: - Very soothing - Doesn't sting - Keep in fridge and apply cold Local anaesthetics: - lignocaine (numbs skin)
Sun Protection Counselling
- Wear protective clothing, hat and sunglasses
- Use broad spectrum water-resistant SPF30+ sunscreen
- Stay in the shade
- Stay hydrated
Hyperproliferative Disorders
Increased cell turnover rate. Includes: - Psoriasis - Seborrhoeic dermatitis (infantile cradal cap included) - Dandruff
Psoriasis Cause
- Exact is unknown
- Hereditary & environmental factors
- Lesions often appear over the site of previous skin trauma
Psoriasis Symptoms
- Chronic inflammatory relapses
- Lesions that present in a number of forms
- Plaque psoriasis is most common
Plaque Psoriasis symptoms
- Salmon-pink lesions with silvery white scales
- Well defined boundaries
- Size and frequency of lesions may vary
Plaque Psoriasis Tx
- Refer to pharmacist
- Need to be under the care of dermatologist
- Emollients, Keratolytics, Coal tar and Dithranol may be used as maintanance Tx
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Symptoms
- Chronic, persistant inflammatory hyperproliferative skin disorder
- Affects areas of head and trunk
- Red rash
- Powdery or greasy scale in skin fold and along hair margins (includes eyebrows)
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Cause
- Yeasts
- Environmental and general health factors
- Hormonal factors implicated
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Tx
- Frequent cleansing with soap
- Sun exposure
- Anti-dandruff shampoo
- Topical antifungals
Severe cases: Keratolytics
Dandruff Symptoms
Chronic, relapsing, non-inflammatory hyperproliferative skin condition
- Flaking skin on scalp only (otherwise Seborrhoeic Dermatitis)
Dandruff Tx
- Shampoo containing zinc pyrithione or ketoconazole
- Wash hair daily to every second day
Wart Symptoms
- Benign growths of skin
- Usually back of hands, fingers and knees
- Single or in clumps
Veruccas (Plantaer warts)
- Warts on the sole of the feet
- Pressure causes wart to grow inwards
- Presses on nerves
- Painful
- Refer to GP
Wart Causes
- Caused by human papilloma virus (HPV)
- Transmission by direct skin to skin contact or public places
Wart Tx
- Protect skin around wart with vaseline or coloured nail polish
- apply salicylic acid to affected area
- Cover with non-breathable tape
- Reapply daily
- Don’t get dressing wet
- Refer diabetics to GP
Wart Counselling
- Will cause the virus to spread to other areas of the body and to other people
Corn Cause
- Friction and pressure against bony prominences of the feet
- Innapropriate foot wear
Hard Corn Symptoms
- Located on top of toes
- Central core of hard grey skin,
- Surrounded by a painful raised yellow ring of inflammatory skin
Soft Corn Symptoms
- Form between toes
- Whitened appearance
- Remain soft due to moisture between toes
Corn Tx
- Remove factors causing pressure and friction
- Corn pads
- Corn removal pads with salicylic acid
Bite Symptoms
- Itching papules
- Weals, bulla and pain
- Localised lesions
- Exposed areas
Sting Symptoms
- Intense, burning pain
- Erythma and oedema follow
Bite and Sting Tx
- Insect repellent as preventative
- EpiPen for cases of anaphylaxis
- Local anaethetic sprays
- Topical corticosteroids
- Oral antihistamines
Scabies Cause
- Sarcoptes scabiei mite
- Highly contagious
- Transmitted by direct physical contact
Scabies Symptoms
- Intense itching
- Red rash/spots
- Usually worse in creasing of skin
- Confirmed by burrows
Scabies Pharm Tx
Mite Elimination: - Permethrin (Lyclear) cream - Malathion 0.5% Aqueous Liquid - Benzyl Benzoate Itch Relief: - Crotamiton - Oral Antihistamine - Hydrocortisone cream
Scabies Counselling
- May need to retreat
- Itch lasts after mite is gone
- Wash clothes and linene in very hot water
- Treatment products should not be used after hot shower
Head Lice Symptoms
- Itchy scalp
- Visible lice in hair or on scalp
Head Lice Cause
- Poor hygeine
- More common in girls
- Transmitted from contact of hair or headwear
Head Lice Tx
- Maldison (KP24)
- Permethrin
- Pyrethrins
- Herbal Products
Head Lice Counselling
- Soak all combs, brushes and hair accessories in the purchased treatment
- Wash pillow cases in hot water
- Use fine tooth comb to check for any remaining lice
Pubic Lice (Crabs) Symptoms
Itching in pubic area worse at night
- can also infest in armpits, sorso, beard and eyelashes
Pubic Lice Cause
Sexually transmitted through direct contact or sharing of items
Pubic Lice Treatment
Lyclear or Quellada (Scabies treatment)