Dermatitis etc Flashcards
Ill-defined, erythematous, scaling patches
edematous papules and vesicles
Atopic dermatitis/eczema
pruritis, eczema (red, swollen, scaling, crust)
face, neck, and flexural areas
early onset
Atopic dermatitis
Eczema/atopic dermatitis tx
avoid triggers, avoid scratching, moisturize Antihistamines for itching Topical steroids (briefly)
exaggerated skin markings; dry, leathery appearance; excess pigmentation
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Lichen Simplex Chronicus etiology (2)
secondary skin disorder, results from excess rubbing/scratching
can be from neuropathy
Lichen Simplex Chronicus tx?
Stop the itch-scratch cycle: topical steroids, moisturizers.
TCAs/neuroleptics for neuropathy
deep vesicles with tapioca-like appearance: hands, lateral sides of fingers, intense itching
Dyshidrotic eczema (Pompholyx)
Dyshidrotic eczema tx?
wet dressings, topical steroids
flesh-colored/red/brown, rough, raised papules on upper arms, thighs, cheeks, back
keratosis pilaris
keratosis pilaris etiology
keratinization disorder
keratosis pilaris tx (multiple)
self-resolving. Moisturizers, exfoliating scrubs, retinoids, urea, salicylic acid, a-hydroxy acids
contact dermatitis types?
allergic and irritant
contact dermatitis allergic type cause?
delayed-type hypersensitivity (Type IV) rxn- lasts for several days post-exposure
irritant contact dermatitis cause?
repeated friction and mechanical irritation
contact dermatitis treatment
stop exposure, decreased hand washing, bland emollient, topical steroid 2x daily
mild dandruff to greasy scales, macules, patches, papules affecting scalp, eyebrows, ears- chronic flaking and scaling
seborrheic dermatitis
papulosquamous dermatitis
seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis tx (3)
antidandruff shampoo
topical ketoconazole
oral antifungals
purple, pruritic, polygonal, papule
Lichen Planus
Pink, sharply defined plaques covered w/ silvery scales
Psoriasis hot spots
elbows, knees, scalp
punctate bleeding due to removal of psoriasis scales
Auspitz sign
psoriatic plaques developing at the site of prior injury
Koebner phenomenon
Psoriasis tx (multiples)
topical high-potency steroids, anthralin (keratolytic agent), topical retinoid, phototherapy, MTX
Psoriasis tx big no-no
Oral steroids
purple/red plaques w/ scales
usually localized to head, scalp, face, and ears
discoid lupus
painless sub-epidermal blistering of skin on dorsum of hands
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Slightly raised, warm, red lesion w/ central clearing- resembles target lesion. Usually on extremities
Erythema migrans
Pink target lesions on skin and mucosal surfaces
Erythema multiforme
Erythema multiforme etiology
immunologic rxn caused by circulating immune complexes
Erythema multiforme treatment
symptomatic tx w/ topical or systemic steroids, anti-viral tx if its early
cellulitis on cheeks, fever, malaise, spreading well-circumscribed papule/plaque, pain, edema, heat
Erysipelas tx
IV abx against B-hemolytic strep and staph
Erysipelas etiology
B-hemolytic strep infection
Discoid lupus tx (3)
avoid sun
intralesional high potency steroids
consider SLE
Diffuse, spreading superficial infection w/ staph or group A strep
swelling, streaking erythema and pain. Expanding lesions w/ fever, chills, and malaise
cellulitis tx
IV abx, oral abx for mild
intraepidermal bacterial infection of the skin from staph aureus
bullous impetigo
papules turning to vesicles w/ lesions and erythema, regional adenopathy
non-bullous impetigo
impetigo tx
topical abx like Bactroban, oral abx
bullae, sloughing of epidermal layers >30% of skin surface
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
pruritic vesicular disease, w/ ~75% of pts having gluten sensitivity
Dermatitis herpetiformitis