DERM: Bacterial Infections Flashcards
a “golden honey-coloured” crusted erosion is a characteristic of which skin infection?
impetigo is commonly caused by which bacteria?
staphylococcus aureus bacteria
which type of people are. commonly affected by impetigo?
children (especially boys)
when is the peak onset of impetigo?
what can impetigo be classified into?
- non-bullous
- bullous
- ecthyma
what is non-bullous impetigo?
- around the nose or mouth
- do not usually cause systemic symptoms
- Staph/strep invade a minor trauma site
- Pink macule»_space; vesicle/pustule»_space; crusted erosions
- Usually resolves in 2-4 weeks without treatment
what is bullous impetigo?
- always caused by the staphylococcus aureus bacteria
- more common in neonates and children under 2 years
- may be feverish and generally unwell
- heals without scarring
which bacteria causes impetigo?
Most commonly Staphylococcus aureus
or Streptococcus Pyogenes
what are the risk factors for impetigo?
- Atopic Eczema
- Scabies
- Skin Trauma (Chickenpox, Insect bite, Wound, Burn, dermatitis)
what is ecthyma impetigo?
- Strep. pyogenes main cause
- Starts as non-bullous»_space; punched-out necrotic ulcer
- Slow healing, leaves scar
which type of impetigo causes a scar?
ecthyma impetigo
what are some complications of impetigo?
- Cellulitis if the infection gets deeper in the skin
- Sepsis
- Scarring
- Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
- Staphylococcus scalded skin syndrome
- Scarlet fever
how do you diagnose impetigo?
Diagnosed clinically
Bacterial swabs for confirmation
how do you treat impetigo?
- Clean wound with antiseptic
- Cover affected areas
- If extensive, oral abx recommended (e.g. flucloxacillin)
- Avoid contact with others (physical, towels/flannels etc)
- Children must avoid school until crust dries
- Wash daily with antibacterial soap and identify the source of infection to avoid re-infection
what is cellulitis?
Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and the soft tissues underneath.
- Involves deep subcutaneous tissue