Derm Flashcards
urticaria pigmentosa
Has Darier sign: rubbing the pigmented lesions results in rapid appearance of an erythematous wheal and flare due to local histamine release.
first line therapy for mild acne
retinoids and benzoyl peroxide
inflammatory acne treatment
topical antibiotics (often clinda) if very severe, can give oral doxycycline or minocycline
Auspitz sign
remove lesion and it bleeds, associated with Psorias
Psorias treatment
topical: calcipotriene (Vit D3 analog) used for mild to moderate dx; steriods (mod to high potency)
Tinea capitus
forms kerion; Trichophyton produces spores within hair shaft
has “black dots” which are hair follicles falling off
treat with oral griseofulvin (8-12 wks)
or oral ketoconazole (but high risk of hepatotoxicity)
Sturge Weber syndrome
triad of facial (V1) port wine stain, ipsilateral leptomeninheal angiomatosis, and choroidal vascula malformation of eye
seizures and ID common
Port Wine Stain
capillary malformation
10% of patients with lesions in V1 have Sturge Weber
ichthyosis vulgaris
“fish skin” thin scales with pasted on appearance
Wright stain with Eos from lesions
E tox
Staph scalded skin syndrome
mediated by 2 exotoxins
skin biopsy reveals splitting beneath and within stratum granulosum of epidermis
Nikolsky’s skin “sloughing” of skin
Acrodermatitis enteropathica
due to autosomal recessive error in Zinc metabolism
has diarrhea, poor weight gain, dermatitis, hair loss
associated with increased susceptibility to infection
usually presents after weaned off Zinc
Tinea versicolor
Usually due to Malassezia furfur
worsens in the sun, more often in hot, humid areas
ecthyma (looks similar to bullous impetigo, then involves the dermis)
caused by strep pyogenes
alopecia areata
smooth, oval patches, complete hair loss