Demyelinating Flashcards
T/F: there is an increasing risk of developing MS with higher and lower latitude.
Strongest HLA association in MS
DR locus of chromosome 6
Typical feature of MS characterized with unilateral visual blurring
Uhthoff phenomenon
Initial manifestation in approximately 25% of all MS patients.
Optic neuritis
T/F: As a corollary, the presence of bilateral INO in a young adult is virtually diagnostic of MS.
T/F: in about 1/3 of all MS patients particularly those with an acute onset of exacerbation, there may be slight to moderate mononuclear pleocytosis.
These are gamma globulin proteins in the CSF of patients with MS which migrate in agarose electrophoresis
Oligoclonal bands
Targets CD20 lymphocytes and has been found effective in reducing relapses
In this disease, there is symmetrical demyelination of corpus callosum affecting most prominently the central portion.
Marchiafava-Bignami disease
Focal demyelination of central area of corpus callosum seen in middle-aged chronic alcoholics
Marchiafava-bignami disease
Antibodies specific to neuromyelitis optica
Ab against aquaporin-4 molecule
T/F: In NMO, simultaneous optic neuritis and myelitis predict monophasic and relatively benign course
Carries the highest risk for multiple sclerosis (2.1-5.5 fold)
Epstein-Barr virus
Humanized anti-a4 integrin antibody that inhibits the trafficking of leukocytes across endothelium
Most important neurologic manifestation of SLE
Necrotizing vasculitides with association with Hepatitis B surface antigen
Polyarteritis nodosa
Only agent approved for treatment of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
Earliest electrophysiologic abnormality in GBS
Prolonged F wave latency