Demography- Death rates and life expectancy Flashcards
Trends of death rates and ageing population?
1902 DR 18 per 100
IMR- 142 per 1000 liver births
Currently- DR- 9 per 100
IMR 3= 4.1 per 1000
Life expectancy today?
Men= 79
Women= 83
What are death rates?
Sometimes known as the mortality rates
Number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year
What is life expectancy?
An estimate of how long the average person can be expected to live
What is infant mortality rate?
The number of deaths of babies in the first year of life per 1000 live births per year
Reasons for decreasing DR?
-Hygiene, sanitation and knowledge
-Higher living standards
-Welfare state
-Improved working conditions
-Medical advancements
Reasons for decreasing DR -Hygiene, sanitation and knowledge?
-Public hygiene: Improved massively in sewer system and running water
-Improved education: Awareness of infections causes and understanding of good and own health
-Eliminations of epidemics: Knowledge leading to elimination if epidemics e.g. cholera
-Better nutrients and diet: Understanding of healthy eating and exercise
Reasons for decreasing DR -Higher living standards?
-Wages and amenities: High wages, better food, more aplliance in home
-Conditions in home: Less damp, inside toilets better
-Transportation and food technology: Improved transportation and food tech meaning wider range of food available to be stored longer
Reasons for decreasing DR-Welfare state?
Welfare state was a safety net of care established in 1948, provided a state safety net of care for all members of population from cradle to grave
-Tackiling problems with poverty and unemployment via NHS, state education, job centers, free school meals and the giant evils of society
Reasons for decreasing DR-Improved working conditions?
Technology: Taken over health damaging tasks and factory machinery is safer than it was 100 yrs ago, illegal child labour
-Health and safety and working hours: Higher standards, shorter working hours and more leisure time
Not felt equally among all professions though e.g nurses
Reasons for decreasing DR-Medical advancements?
-Advancement in medicine and science: Vaccines and developmental penicillin and antibiotics, childhood illnesses prevented such as measles and whooping cough
-Surgery and medical advancements: Advancement in surgery and medical tech such as transplants
Whats the UKs biggest killer?
Cancer and heart desies
What is the biggest factor of a decreased life expectency- Mckeown?
Improbment of standard of living
More important then technology
Why arent these imporbmets felt by all members of society?
-Post code lottery (one person may have a good area or hospitals and schools vs someone may not)
-Social class
-Inequality of health
-Universal care of law (People needing care are most likely to get it and those that most need it are least likely)
-Occupational health problmen (rise in work in machinary)
-Work related stress (mental health gone physical)
-Food banks (People living from food banks vs those who have more than enough food)
Consequence of increased life expectancy?
-Greater dependency ratio (too many people need pensions and not enough working)
-Ageing population
-Decreased birth rate
-Demand on state private and informal elderly care
-Modified extended family increase
-Cost to state, more elderly more care home
-More divorce and remarriages e.g. silver splitters
-Sandwich generation (Parents caring for kids and parents)