defaunification Flashcards
bello et al 2015 does defaunation affect carbon stores in tropical forest
-erode carbon storage
-large body frugivores ecological role- fruit removal , seed dispersal , large seeded plant
-erode key esdecrease carbon storage less palnt depend frugivores dispersal
bello et al 2015 conclusion carbon storage
must preserve ecoligical processes, protecting large carnivore, to mitigate CC
sobra at al 2017 what is the role vertibrate animals in carbon cycle amazon
-mamal, tree species rihnes positivly corelated tree biomas and carbon concentration soil due to organic remains produced vertibrate feeding
- large bodied defacate fruit pulp , seed, buried dung beetle, rodent, direclty impact carbon soil
-indirect influence above ground carbon suported c soil and biomas trees
conclusion sobra et al 2017
need protect vertibrate proper fuction ecs and carbon sequestration
gardner et al 2017 wahat impact defaunation forest
-neg impacts forest regeneration
-loss big = only seed disperse abiotically = smaller species less carbon
what problem RED scheme gardner 2017
only look forest conversion and not loss species (empty forest syndrome)
osuri 2016 loss species consequence carbon africa, america, south east aisian forest
lost 2-12% carbon
osuri 2016 loss species consequence carbon SE asia , australia
gains =1%
osuri 2016 why changes carbon storage
stand volume not wood density
wilkie et al 2011 why look at extinction rates forest
some argued extinction rates to pesimistic because agriculture abndended however, wilkie argue not case as hunting also causing extinction species, = predicitions vast loss likly
consquences taking elephant
succesion , regenration
consequences taking top predators
hyper abundance prey, over predation small species
wilkie et al 2011 what need be sone stop extinctions
-focus global politians
-local , national, international policies maintain healthy faunal communites
-mangemnt all relevant players
-learn from past decsions
galetti et al 2015 what are the impacts loss large seed predators for predation
- defaunated area seed predators 2.5 times higher due increase small rodents
galetti et al conclsuion
defaunation increase seed predation rodent = consequence plant-animal interction and recruitment