Decompression Illness Flashcards
Define Dysbarism
Any disease induced by change in pressure, includes both trapped and evolved gases
Decompression sickness, arterial gas embolus and barotrauma
Define Decompression Sickness
Evolved gas disease
Define arterial gas embolus
Pulmonary barotrauma with embolisation usually to cerebral
Decompression illness
Modern preferred term - similar to old term dysbarism
Clinical more descriptive term introduced due to difficulty in distinguishing DCS and CAGE
Explain the pathophysiology of DCI
Inert gas No is diffused into tissues down concentration gradient (supersaturation)
On ascent, the elimination of inert gas mirrors the process of uptake. Bubbles are formed in different areas of the body. As per Henry’s law.
If <2:1 or 1/2 atm the bubble form instead of dissolve out. Form on surface
If a state of supersaturation develops, bubbles can form out of solution (Haldane’s hypothesis)
Formation of bubbles - Henry’s law, Haldane’s critical supersaturation theory Pre-existing conditions: - Bubble micronuclei - Hydrophobic interfaces - Vascular turbulence - Tribonucleation/Cavitation Persistence of bubble - effects of surface tension/surfactants - LaPlace’s law Boyle’s law: Once formed
What are the primary and secondary effects of bubble formation
- Bubbles - evolved or embolus
- fragments
- compress
- Obstruct
- Stimulation of inflammatory processes by activation of Complement, kin in, coagulation, leukocyte response
- Endothelial dysfunction - leaking vessels
- Microparticle formation
- often delayed symptoms
Venous Gas emboli creation and effects
- Arise de novo in low pressure areas
- Flow in venous plexi may favour formation
- promoted by presence of micronuclei
- Haematological - pro inflam, pro coag
- Venous infarction - venous stasis, how bends happen to the spine
- Embolic via right heart to the lungs increases MPAP - causes right heart failure
Arterial bubble creation and effects
- Unlikely to form de novo in high pressure
- rarely supersaturated
- usual cause is via Venous gas emboli via paradoxical R to L shunts (PFO) or penetrate bubble filter. Or pulmonary barotrauma.
- Damage endothelium - strips surfactant, increase permeability
- Haemoconcentration
- activate inflammatory cascades
What is the role of PFO in DCI
Seems assoicated with more severe DCI
- Neurological/spine
- inner ear
- Cutaneous
Theoretical risks of PFO
- R to L shunting
- Increase R atrial pressure
- Anti-G straining
- Positive pressure breathing
Clinical features for DCI
MSK- joints: localised pain, worse on movement. Most common
Cutaneous - skin: itching, formication, mottled rash can migrate
Neurological - Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Altered sensation, Confusion, memory loss and disorientation. Visual abnormalities, mood, seizure, ascending weakness or paralysis in legs.
Pulmonary - dry persistent cough, retrosternal pain, SOB
Audiovestibular - vertigo, tinnitus nausea and vomiting, hearing impairment
Constitutional: Headaches, unexplained fatigue/ lethargy, poorly localised aches and pain
Describe the musculoskeletal DCI symptoms, findings and pathology
- Migratory periarticular mono/polyarthralgia
- severity varies - minor niggle to severe
- May be delayed onset 24-48hrs
- may be migratory
- Exam usually unremarkable
- Better with pressure
- worse with use
- uncertain
- Pain from periosteum/ligaments/tendons
- mass effects
- inflammation
Cutaneous DCI symptoms, findings, pathology
- pruritus
- formication
- rash
- hyperaesthesia
- Erythematous macular rash
- Marbling
- Cutis marmorata - marker of severe
- Subcutaneous bubble formation
- Inflammatory reaction
Respiratory DCI symptoms, findings and pathology
- Chest pain
- chest tightness
- cough
- shortness of breath
- Bronchoconstriction
- Increased pulmonary artery pressure
- Lung bubble filter overwhelmed
- pulmonary inflammation
- oedema in alveoli and bronchi
Neurological DCI symptoms, findings and pathology
- Variable, depending on site of bubble
- focal deficits
- Peripheral nerve issues most common
- spinal cord
- variable
- can get motor and sensory signs
- balance/proprioception
- Cognitive deficits
- usually embolic as autochthonous is very rare
- leaky blood brain barrier
Inflammatory reaction
Spinal cord DCI symptoms, findings and pathology
- girdling pain
- Sensorimotor deficits
- paralysis
- motor/sensory signs
- Balance/proprioception
- poor prognosis
- atrial emboli
- venous infarction in plexus
- compression by tissue bubbles
CAGE - cause and presentation
Rare in aviators
Uncontrolled ascent and holding breath
Usual presentation is sudden collapse immediately or very soon after decompression
Long term effects of bubbles
Exact incidence/causation unclear can get dysbaric osteonecrosis Hearing impairment Neuro-psychiatric effects - hyperintensities on MRI in U2 Pulmonary and ocular effect
Most significant risk factors of DCI
Dose: - Altitude >18000ft - duration of exposure Rate of decompression= rapid No pre-oxygenation
Individual risk factors for DCI
Anatomical eg PFO Age and fitness BMI, gender, diet, hydration - unproven Individual susceptibility Previous DCI
Sortie risk factors for DCI
Recent exposure of any hyperbaric environment eg SCUBA Repetitive exposure High altitude Exercise at altitude Cold
Post - sortie risk factors
Level of exercise post-sorte - moves bubbles around more
Prevention strategies for DCI
Altitude limits
Minimise time of exposure - cabin altitude
Only fly when fit as inflammation increase bubble formation
No not fly after compressed air diving
Pre-oxygenation regulations - 30mins pre-breathe eliminates 30% N2
Pressure suits
Immediate action for aircrew with DCI
Descend ASAP Use 100% oxygen Keep warm Minimise activity Declare emergency Seek AVMO review
Medical mx of DCI
History and examination
-signs, symptoms and evolution
- Medical history
- Risk factors
- Sortie history: sortie profile, breathing gas, preoxygenation
Ex: systems review, Neuro including MMSE and Sharpened Rhomberg’s. DO not stand up it suspecting CAGE
IX: Blood, Hb, Hct, Biochem, BSL, CPK, Tnl, CXR, CT
- lay supine
- Oxygen therapy 100% for minimal 2 hours
- MSK pain usually resolves within 30mins
- IV fluids - Stat bag then 1L over 30-60 mins then titration to UO
- SAVMO & SUMO advised, nearest hyperbaric unit
- Observe 4 hrs
- Hyperbaric
- Review in 24 hours
- TMUFF for 72 hr minimum
Benefit for recompression
Reduces size of bubble
Oxygen therapy
- relieve ischaemia and hypoxia
Anti- inflammatory effect
Transfer requirement post DCI
< 500Ft
100% oxygen
Administration post DCI
PM220 PM184 Notification - SAVMO - SUMU