Debates Flashcards
What is determinism?
- Human behaviour of a product of forces beyond the control of the individual.
- People have no control over their actions.
What do determinists believe?
- Internal and external forces control a person’s behaviour
- Behaviour should be predictable
- Every behaviour has a cause
- Determinism is a scientific account of behaviour
What are the 5 types of determinism?
- Hard, soft, biological, environmental, psychic
What is hard determinism?
- No action/behaviour is free
- Every human action has a cause, one action is performed rather than another
What is biological determinism?
- Biological/internal forces are out of a person’s control
What is soft determinism?
- Individual’s behaviour is a direct result of the environment
- Element of free will, but controlled by outside forces
What is environmental determinism?
- External forces are out of a person’s control
What is psychic determinism?
- All behaviours are the result and determined by unconscious forces linked with childhood and innate drives
What are some strengths of determinism?
- More scientific, predictable (interventions - preventable)
- Society would approve, can set up interventions
- Isolates variables
What are some limitations of determinism?
- Doesn’t take into account free-will
- Won’t take responsibility, will say it’s out of their control
- Society believes in choice
- Implies behaviour can be predicted
- Doesn’t take into account individual differences
What is free-will?
- An individual’s ability to choose between certain behaviours
What are some strengths of free-will?
- More likely to take responsibility, had a choice
- Society believes in choice
What are some limitations of free-will?
- Doesn’t take into account determinism
- Less scientific, harder to predict.
- Implies behaviour can’t be predicted
What is nature?
- Behaviour can be inherited or down to internal factors like genetics
What is nurture?
- Behaviour can be changed by external factors such as childhood, friends, etc.
What are some strengths of nature?
- Too deterministic, more predictable
- Too reductionist, scientific, objective measures
- Takes dispositional factors into account
What are some limitations of nature?
- Doesn’t take into account nurture
- Less likely to take responsibility for their actions
- Ignores situational factors
What are some strengths of nurture?
- Can change behaviour
- Takes situational factors into account
What are some limitations of nurture?
- Doesn’t take into account nature
- Not scientific, lacks objectivity
- Ignores dispositional factors
- Too reductionist, only external factors
What is reductionism?
- Reduces behaviour down to 1 or 2 factors
What is holism?
- Behaviour can be down to multiple factors
What are some strengths of reductionism?
- Scientific, predictability, objective measures
- Takes determinism into account
What are some limitations of reductionism?
- Doesn’t take into account holism
What are some strengths of holism?
- Takes free-will into account