DB Final Flashcards
DB08-04: The Los Angeles Fire Department will implement a workplace policy regarding, tattoos, scarification and branding effective _____________.
May 1, 2008
DB08-04: Supervisors shall recognize and immediately correct any violation at the lowest possible level. ___________ and __________ are appropriate actions when dealing with initial violations.
Verbal counseling and training
DB08-04: Members may request a __________ exception for tattoos, scarification or brands already in existence not the effective date of this policy that cannot be covered by a Department-approved uniform or skin patch.
One-time exemption
DB08-04: For a one-time exemption, members requesting must submit their request in writing to the ________________ or appointed designee. What needs to be included?
To the Operations Commander, with photographs documenting the tattoos, scarifications or brands for which they are requesting exemption
DB08-04: Exemptions will be granted based on what?
Will be granted where the coverage of the tattoo may impede the member’s safety (i.e., face piece seal) or where coverage is impractical
DB08-04: Any future tattoos, scarifications, or brands received after the effective date of this policy, which cannot be covered with Department-approved uniform or skin patches, are ____________.
DB09-03: On ________________, a new federal regulation went into effect mandating that anyone working on foot within the right-of-way of a federal-aid highway, freeway or public way must wear a high-visibility vest (HVV).
November 24, 2008
DB09-03: TRUE OR FALSE: The HVV may be worn anytime a member feels it necessary to do so
DB09-03: The HVV shall be worn when?
Prior to exiting the apparatus, anytime a member is actively working on traffic/highway/roadway incidents
DB09-03: When shall the HVV NOT bear worn?
- Fire suppression activities
- Physical rescue/extrication
- Hazmat mitigation measures
- In the IDLH
- Incidents that require immediate action from responding personnel to effect life-saving measures
- Any incident that by wearing the vest, places the firefighter at a personal risk level greater than the potential risk of exposure to traffic conditions
DB09-03: A HVV shall be worn in a fashion that allows what?
That allows it to be seen by oncoming traffic
DB09-03: TRUE OR FALSE: The HVV can be worn over the firefighting turnout coat, brush jacket, or work uniform shirt
DB09-03: The HVV is made of 100% __________ material with a ____-point breakaway design to minimize the risk of becoming entangled in equipment and allowing for greater mobility in critical situations.
100% polyester; 5-point breakaway design
DB09-03: Where are the tear-away features on the HVV located?
- Front side of both shoulders
- (2) at the waist area
- Front torso area
DB09-03: The HVV features ____ silver reflective material background.
DB09-03: When not in use, how should the HVV be stored?
When not in use, the vest folds into a convenient storage pouch that is attached to the inside of the garment and shall be stored in the cab area of a light vehicle or heavy apparatus
DB09-03: How shall the HVV be washed and dried?
The vest may be washed in warm water and line dried only
DB09-03: What is the maximum wash cycles for the HVV garment?
25 wash cycles
DB09-03: Can you use bleach to clean the HVV?
DB09-03: Can you dry clean/iron the HVV?
DB09-03: Under what conditions shall the HVV be sent to Supply and Maintenance for replacement?
If damaged, defaced, faded or torn, or if not visible at 1,000 feet
DB09-03: A HVV that is worn on a daily basis has a service life expectancy of approximately _________.
6 months
DB09-03: A HVV that is not worn on a daily basis may have a useful service life of _________.
3 years
DB09-03: The HVVs will be pre-identified per position and assigned to light and heavy apparatus by _______________________.
By the Supply and Maintenance Division prior to distribution
DB09-03: What is the primary goal of the federal regulation regarding HVVs?
To decrease the potential of a firefighter being struck by vehicles
DB10-02: Companies and rescue ambulances not assigned to an incident shall only request to be added to dispatches if _____________________.
If they are in the first-in district of the incident. Resources must be physically in the first-in district when this request is made
DB10-02: What is the exception to the rule that “Companies and rescue ambulances not assigned to an incident shall only request to be added to dispatches if they are in the first-in district of the incident?”
Light Forces may request to add themselves to incidents in their first alarm districts (the area in which a company normally responds to a fire or other emergency)
DB10-02: TRUE OR FALSE: If a company is not part of the assignment created by MFC, no radio contact shall be made with MFC or the Incident Commander with the intent of “buying into” the incident.
DB10-02: Companies dispatched to a vicinity call shall not attach themselves by contacting the Incident Commander or checking into staging without the specific approval of MFC. These actions create ________________ in the city wide coverage that MFC is not aware of.
Unanticipated “holes”.
DB10-02: MFC adds requested resources to incidents based on their ________ not ___________.
MDC status not verbal updates
DB10-02: All resources responding to greater alarm and major emergency incidents shall use the _______________ for a staging channel.
The Division tactical channel
DB10-02: What is the proper and most efficient method for MFC to track company status?
Through the use of the MDC
DB10-02: TRUE OR FALSE: In no case should a member compromise service to other types of calls to attempt to add their company to a potential response.
DB10-12: The major changes include extending the time required to forward the F-150 Accident Report from ___ days to ___ days to allow members adequate time to secure representation, if desired.
7 days to 14 days
DB10-12: The cause determination at the scene of an accident will be made by _________________.
The law enforcement investigating agency at the scene rather than the investigating Fire Department Chief Officer
DB10-12: What is the primary objective of the investigating officer at an investigation scene?
To determine the circumstances surrounding an event and to report them accurately
DB10-12: If upon arrival, you encounter a serious accident involving Fire Department apparatus, notify _______________ and request ________________ response through MFC.
Notify the Administrative Division Chief and request a Los Angeles City Attorney
DB10-12: The LAPD will request a Specialized Collision Investigation Detail under what conditions?
- Any traffic collision involving a City-owned or a City mileage vehicle that results in a fatality or severe injury
- Any traffic collision resulting in a fatality or severe injury, which may result in a criminal felony prosecution and which is beyond the scope of the investigating officer’s expertise
- Any major unusual traffic occurrence
DB10-12: Interviews shall normally be conducted between the hours of ___ to ___ weekdays, unless the investigation is time sensitive
8 am to 5 pm
DB10-12: If management determines that the matter is time-sensitive, and the member is unable to obtain representation within _______, management reserves the right to detail an available representative of the member’s choice to provide representation to the member
90 minutes
DB10-12: A “B” penalty is a ___ to ___ day suspension.
6 to 10 day suspension
DB10-12: The cause determination of an accident is done by who?
By the law enforcement investigating agency at the scene
DB10-12: An F-150 shall be completed by who?
By the LAFD Investigating Chief Officer and shall be forwarded within 14 calendar days to allow for members to secure representation is desired
DB10-12: A FG-88 Automobile Accident Report shall be completed by who?
By the Driver, and the tillerperson is a ladder truck is involved
DB10-12: The Preliminary Investigation Packet shall be forwarded “through channels” to Emergency Services Bureau within _______.
14 days
DB10-12: The Traffic Accident Hearing Report is formatted for a consistent approach and categorizes the accident in one of _____ categories.
One of four categories
DB10-12: Which category is: An accident in which Fire Department personnel exercised reasonable judgement and precautions, exhibited good apparatus/vehicle operator’s and officer’s skills and observed all state, local and Fire Department statues, ordinances and rules.
Category I
DB10-12: Which category is: An accident which occurred because of the inattention to vehicle operator’s and/or officer’s responsibilities or because of misjudgment of clearance in operating apparatus near stationary objects.
Category II
DB10-12: Which category is: An accident which occurred because of apparatus/vehicle operator’s misjudgment of clearance from other vehicles, deficiency in defensive driving techniques, or failure to anticipate other vehicle’s movements
Category III
DB10-12: Which category is: An accident in which Fire Department personnel failed to follow established Department, Rules and Regulations, Policies and Procedures.
Category IV
DB10-12: Is an F-225 required to obtain the driver’s statement?
No, a significant change to this process is that the F-225 will no longer be required to obtain the driver’s statement
DB13-04: What is a vacant building?
A building that may be empty or unoccupied, but there exists an owner with an expressed interest in the building
DB13-04: What is an abandoned building?
A building where there is no clear owner/landlord or responsible party that can be easily reached. These buildings are often not secured, poorly maintained, dilapidated, and in a dangerous condition
DB13-04: According to the NFPA, there are approximately _______ structure fires that occur in vacant and abandoned buildings every year in the US. These fires result in an average of _____ firefighter injuries annually and have become a matter of increasing concern as our economy weakens.
31,000 structure fires; 4,500 firefighter injuries
DB13-04: TRUE OR FALSE: A consideration with fires in vacant and/or abandoned buildings, is that these fires typically do not start on their own.
TRUE. Arson or warming fires are often the cause
DB13-04: Fire Department members shall notify who if they discover a vacant/abandoned property that presents a danger to firefighters?
The Floor Captain at Metro Fire Command
DB13-04: In addition to notifying the Floor Captain of a discovery of a vacant/abandoned property, the information shall also be entered into ____ and ______.
FPOS and the Station Journal (F-2)
DB13-04: What agency is responsible for the abatement of buildings which constitute a nuisance, are hazardous, or in a substandard condition?
Los Angels Department of Building and Safety (LADBS)
DB13-04: TRUE OR FALSE: The placement of placards does not relieve the property owner of the responsibility of properly securing the vacant/abandoned building form unauthorized public access.
TRUE, the owner of such property is responsible of properly securing the vacant/abandoned building from unauthorized public access
DB13-04: The Fire Department will place these ___” x ___” placards on at least ___ sides of the structure to alert incoming fire companies.
24” x 30”; 2 sides
DB13-04: The Fire Department will provide and install these placards at no cost to the property owner. If the owner chooses to install the placards or use a private company, please have the owner notify the Fire Marshal’s office, in writing, within ___ days of the date of this letter.
14 days
DB13-04: Placards shall be applied on the front of the structure and be visible from the street. Additional placards shall be applied where?
Shall be applied to the side of each entrance to the structure and on penthouses
DB13-04: Placards shall be ___” x ___” minimum in size with a _____ background, white reflective stripes and a white reflective border with ___” for hazard identification symbols. The strips and borders shall have a ___” minimum stroke.
24” x 30”; red background; 6”; 2”
DB13-04: What dates should be on each placard?
Placards shall bear the date of their application to the building and the date of the most recent inspection
DB13-04: What does a placards with no stripes indicate?
This symbol shall mean that the structure had normal structural conditions at the time of marking (NOT to be used by LAFD)
DB13-04: What does a placard with a single stripe ( \ ) through it indicate?
Hazardous Building: This symbol shall mean that structural or interior hazards exist and interior firefighting or rescue operations should be conducted with caution
DB13-04: What does a placard with crossing stripes ( X ) indicate?
Dangerous Building: This symbol shall mean that structural or interior hazards exist to a degree that consideration should be given to limit firefighting to exterior operations only, with entry only occurring for known life hazards
DB13-04: R/O
Roof Open
DB13-04: There are various vacant/abandoned marker hazard identification symbols. All that apply shall be placed where is regard to the placard?
All that apply shall be placed directly ABOVE the placard
DB13-04: S/M
Stairs, steps, and land missing
DB13-04: F/E
Avoid fire escapes
DB13-04: H/F
Holes in floor
DB13-05: There are ____ major types of distractions while driving. What are they?
Three major types of distractions
1) Visual (eyes off the road)
2) Cognitive (mind off the road)
3) Manual (hands off the wheel)
DB15-11: When did the Los Angeles Fire Department formally adopt the hailing term “MAYDAY”?
January 5, 2014
DB15-11: What does declaring a firefighter emergency early allow?
It allows a member to initiate self-rescue actions and provide the rescue personnel with the necessary advance notice to locate the member and render assistance
DB15-11: All personnel shall perform the ___________ Self-Survival Procedure when experiencing a “MAYDAY” situation.
DB15-11: ____________ is an important factor in the overall management of the incident and the prevention of the “MAYDAY” situation.
Company discipline
DB15-11: An individual assigned to an incident shall use the hailing term “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY” to announce a “Firefighter Missing, Down or Trapped.” The “MAYDAY” call will be delivered on ___________________.
The Incident Tactical Channel
DB15-11: If after _____ “MAYDAY” attempts the member does not receive acknowledgement on the incident tactical channel, he/she will activate the Emergency Alert Button (EAB) and declare the “MAYDAY” again.
After 2 attempts
DB15-11: What are the 5 situations that require the immediate initiation of a “MAYDAY” call?
1) Missing
2) Down
3) Trapped
4) Malfunction of SCBA or activation of a Low Air Alarm in an IDLH and unable to reach an exit safely
5) Any life threatening condition that cannot be resolved in 30 seconds
DB15-11: TRUE OR FALSE: The member should wait for acknowledgement of the “MAYDAY” before giving their three W’s.
TRUE, this will ensure radio traffic is clear and the IC hears the message
DB15-11: What does GRABLIVES stand for?
G- gauge air R- radio A- activate pass B- control breathing L- stay low I- illuminate (flashlight at 45 degree angle) V- volume (make noise) E- find an exit S- shield airway
DB15-11: What must companies do during a “MAYDAY”?
Companies must remain committed and disciplined to their company’s task and continue firefighting operations during a “MAYDAY”
DB15-11: When operating on the fire ground and a “MAYDAY” event occurs, who has the best opportunity to affect a quick rescue?
Company commanders working nearby may have the best opportunity to affect a quick rescue
DB15-11: What is “Clear text”?
“Clear text”, which is common language, shall be used to notify personnel working on-scene of a “MAYDAY”
DB15-11: When a “MAYDAY” event occurs, the I/C initiates the Emergency Traffic tones for ___ seconds.
3 seconds
DB15-11: How do you activate the Emergency Traffic tones?
To activate the tones, key the radio mic and hold, at the same time push and hold the orange emergency alert button on the radio head for 3 seconds
DB15-11: At the conclusion of a “MAYDAY” situation, the I/C shall transmit to all companies an “ALL CLEAR-RESUME NORMAL RADIO COMMUNICATIONS” on the ____________ and _____________.
On the Incident Command and the Incident Tactical Channels
DB15-11: In the event of an extraordinary hazard, or a sudden change in conditions that creates an imminent danger to personnel, members can communicate this information by using _______________ on the radio to identify the situation.
DB15-11: What should all officers consider before declaring an “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC”?
All officers should consider then many incident dynamics
DB18-01: What is an After Action Review (AAR)?
An AAR is a structured process to capture lessons learned form challenges, successes and failures with the goal of improving future performance
DB18-01: TRUE OR FALSE: An AAR is not intended to place blame or criticism on individuals.
DB18-01: Who developed AARs?
The US Army
DB18-01: The LAFD has adopted the AAR as an __________ and as a __________ process, following any all-hazard incident or training exercise and should be conducted at the end of the incident or event.
An informal and as a formal process
DB18-01: What is the purpose of an AAR?
The AARs express purpose is to evaluate the LAFDs actions on scene of an all-hazard emergency response or training exercise with the emphasis on identifying strengths to be maintained and potential areas for further improvement
DB18-01: What should the AAR capture?
- Incident Overview
- What was planned?
- What actually happened?
- Why did it happen?
- What can we do next time to improve?
DB18-01: Informal AARs are required for incidents reaching the deployment of a _____________.
Greater Alarm
DB18-01: TRUE OR FALSE: Leaders of the AAR should identify their own challenges, successes and failures first.
TRUE, so that members will be forthcoming in describing their own
DB18-01: Except in unusual circumstances, a formal after action review shall be conducting no later than _______ after the incident or training exercises.
72 hours
DB18-01: An informal AAR should be conducted _________________.
Following mitigation or when practical
DB18-01: When is a Blue Sheet utilized?
A Blue Sheet is utilized for review of a serious injury, near miss and/or fatalities and shall be normally prepared within 72 hours after the Serious Incident Review Team’s (SIRT) arrival at the incident or training site
DB18-01: A Blue sheet shall normally be prepared within ________.
72 hours
DB18-01: When is a Green Sheet utilized?
The Green Sheet is an Information Summary Report utilized for review of a serious injury, near miss and/or fatality and shall be normally prepared within 30 days
DB18-01: A Green Sheet shall be normally prepared within _________.
30 days
DB18-01: What is a Serious Injury?
An inpatient hospitalization required admission. A loss of a body part. A serious, permanent disfigurement
DB18-01: What is a Near Miss?
An event that occurs in the work or training environment and reasonably could have, but did not, result in a death or serious injury due to good fortune and/or proper operation of safety devices or equipment
DB18-01: What is a Safety Stand Down (SSD)?
A Safety Stand Down (SSD) is an event directed by the Fire Chief designated for a period of time to include all platoons, to promote awareness, and focus attention on safety.
DB18-01: The SIRT Final Report shall be required for a serious injury, near miss, and/or fatality when the investigative process will exceed ____ days to compile a comprehensive report.
30 days
DB18-01: Any incident or training event requiring a formal AARR shall have all associated records/documents maintained in the corresponding Bureau Office fo a minimum retention or _______.
5 years
DB18-04: What is workplace violence?
Workplace violence is violence or the threat of violence against workers
DB18-04: Any form of violence or threat whether actual or reasonably perceived involving a City employee or occurring in the workplace must be reported to who?
A supervisor, manager or the Department’s Personnel office
DB18-04: What is the goal of the WVPP?
The goal of the WVPP is to support a work environment in which violent or potentially violent situations are effectively addressed with a focus on prevention by increasing employee understanding of the nature of workplace violence, how to respond to it, and how to prevent it
DB18-04: There are _____ workplace violence types as defined by California Code of Regulations.
4 workplace violence types
DB18-04: What is Type 1 Violence?
Workplace violence committed by a person who has no legitimate business at the work site, and includes violent acts by anyone who enters the workplace with the intent to commit a crime
DB18-04: What is Type 2 Violence?
Workplace violence directed at employees by customers, clients, patients, students, inmates, or visitors or other individuals accompanying a patient
DB18-04: What is Type 3 Violence?
Workplace violence against an employee by a present or former employee, supervisor, or manager
DB18-04: What is Type 4 Violence?
Workplace violence committed in the workplace by someone who does not work there, but has or is known to have had a personal relationship with an employee
DB18-04: Who is the LAFDs workplace Violence Coordinator?
Battalion Chief assigned to the Risk Management Section
DB18-07: The United States Fire Administration (USFA) reports that approximately ____ of all annual line-of-duty deaths were training-related.