BOOK 98 Flashcards
The City of Los Angeles sits on some of the most unstable ground in the country. Approximately, 8 million people work and live above the ___+ known earthquake faults throughout Southern California.
200+ known earthquake faults
Earthquake faults are a result of tectonic plates pushing together, ___ to ___ miles beneath the earth’s surface
6 to 15 miles beneath the earth’s surface
The movement between the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate pushes Los Angeles north, at a rate of about ____ inches per year
1-3/4 inches per year
Seismologists predict an ___% to ___% probability, of a magnitude 7+ earthquake in Los Angeles, before 2024
80% to 90%
What are the basic components of the ICS?
- Incident Commanderr
- General Staff
- Command Staff
What is Unified Command?
Unified command is a team effort process that allows all agencies, with political, geographical, or functional responsibility for an incident, to establish a common set of incident objectives and strategies, that all can agree upon
During a local emergency, the _______ is the Director of the Emergency Operations Organization
Criteria for activation of an Area Command may include, but is not limited to:
- Several major or complex incidents that are in close proximity
- Critical human or property values at risk when multiple incidents are competing for limited resources
- Difficulties with inter-incident resource allocation and coordination are encountered
Area Commanders are responsible to ensure accurate tracking of incidents utilizing pre-determined incident numbers. What are the pre-determined numbers for each Bureau?
- OCB: 5001-5999
- OSB: 6001-6999
- OVB: 7001-7999
- OWB: 8001-8999
- Area Commanders shall contact MFC if additional numbers are needed
The Department has ____, Type-3 Field Incident Management Teams (FIMT) consisting of twenty on-call personnel
3, Type-3 Field Incident Management Teams
The Department has ___ EOC and ___ DOC Incident Management Teams consisting of on-call personnel assigned to administrative duty.
When does the Department initiate Earthquake Emergency Mode?
Any time a detectable earthquake tremor is felt
Earthquake response is divided into ____ operational modes.
3 operational modes
- Normal Earthquake Operational Mode
- Expanded Earthquake Operational Mode
- Disaster Mode
When will the Department be in the Normal Operational Mode?
For earthquakes that are minor and cause little or no damage
When will the Department be in the Expanded Operational Mode?
For earthquakes that are felt throughout the area, cause significant damage and injuries, and/or requirer the commitment of a significant number of resources
During a district drive through following an earthquake, company officers shall not commit to any single incident without what?
Without direct knowledge or a very strong likelihood of significant injuries Orr that lives can be saved
When will the Department be in the Disaster Mode?
When a significant earthquake strikes that will potentially impact infrastructure and cause wide spread disaster
TRUE OR FALSE: When MFC becomes aware that an earthquake was felt, anywhere in the City, the Department will immediately go into the Earthquake Emergency Mode.
District drive throughs following an earthquake shall me done in the ___________ mode.
Non-Emergency mode, unless otherwise directed by the Battalion Commander
When a company feels compelled to stop at an incident and begin rescue, EMS, or suppression operations, the Battalion/Zone Commander shall be notified immediately, with the following information:
- Location
- Situation
- Potential for lives or property saved
- Additional resources needed
- Expected duration
Strategic priorities shall be:
- Protecting life
- Protecting property
- Protecting the environment
When companies enter the Earthquake Emergency Mode, all units shall being documentation of all actions as soon as possible using the _______ form
ICS 214 form
When companies vacate stations in Emergency Earthquake Mode, Battalion/Zone Commanders will initiate check in via the MDC (preferred) or on the following channels for each Bureau:
- OCB: TAC-1
- OSB: TAC-2
- OVB: TAC-3
- OWB: TAC-13
If any Battalion Commander is unambiguous blessings to fulfill any duties, who shall assume the responsibility of completing the status-check of companies?
The Station Commander of the Battalion headquarters station
If the Assistant Bureau Commander is unable to fulfill any duties, the Commanders of _________________________ will fill in.
The lowest numbered Battalions in the Valley and Central Bureaus
Following an earthquake, the Department will evaluate the city through _______ and _______ reconnaissance
Aerial and grorund reconnaissance
START is a triage system that provides guidelines for pre-hospital care personnel to rapidly classify victims into one of ____ categories.
Four categories
1) Deceased: Patients who do not have spontaneous respiration after repositioning the airway.
2) Immediate: Patients that exhibit severe respiratory, circulatory, or neurological symptoms.
3) Delayed: Patients that are neither immediate nor minor, but will require a gurney and medical treatment upon arrival at the hospital.
4) Minor: Patients that are ambulatory
Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs) deploy to disaster sites with sufficient supplies and equipment to sustain themselves for a period of ____ hours while providing medical care at a fixed or temporary medical care site
72 hours
Los Angeles County has deployed ___ caches of medical supplies throughout Los Angeles County. These caches are located at county facilities and available within ___ to ___ hours from the request. Each cache contains supplies and pharmaceuticals to treat ______ patients.
6 caches; 2 to 3 hours; 1,000 patients
A major earthquake will produce “________” who are either unable or unwilling to return to their homes.
What is a CEC?
Convergent Evacuation Center. When displaced people congregate in large open areas near their homes. LAFD Command personnel shall ensure that public health or other recovery agencies are aware of the location of any CEC
How many counties are in the State of California?
Emergency personnel encountering disaster fatalities should attach a tag or label to the body with the following information:
- Unit or individual finding the body
- Date and Time found
- Exact location found, including floor and room number (if known)
- If identified visually, the name and address of the decedent and of the identifying party
- If the body is contaminated, so state, including the type of contamination
Earthquakes have the potential to create numerous hazardous materials incidents. At these incidents, the Department’s overall responsibilities are:
- Assessment of the incident
- Notification of the proper agencies
- Emergency measures to minimize the effect of the hazardous condition of people, the environment and property
Two possible scenarios exist for the Los Angeles area to be impacted by a tsunami:
- Inundation of the coastline by a tsunami in conjunction with a local earthquake
- Inundation as a result of earth movement in some other area of the worrld
Records show that a Tsunami is likely to occur once every ___ years in the Pacific Ocean.
4 years
Due to the nature of Tsunamis, there is usually ample warning before a wave will actually hit the coastline, as the Pacific Tsunami Warning System detects Tsunamis in the air. Vertical-motion earthquakes (versus horizontal) which produce tsunamis also create acoustic waves in the ionosphere. These acoustic waves, traveling at 780 mph, quickly outdistance the tsunami which travels between ___ and ___ mph
40 and 50 mph
MFC is responsible for the dispatch of LAFD resources to emergencies on a daily basis. Their normal operations are referred to as _____________.
Dispatch Condition One (DISCON 1)
When MFC is totally non-operational, resource dispatch and tracking will be accomplished through __________.
Area Command
MFC can be fully operational (DISCON I), partially operational (________), or non-operational (_________).
Who is responsible for activation of the “Earthquake Emergency Mode?”
MFC is responsible for activation
What is DISCON II?
DISCON II is a degraded dispatch mode.
The most probable situations requiring the Department to operate is DISCON II are when resources are depleted due to:
- Multiple Major Incidents
- Extreme Weather Conditions
- Minor Earthquake
What will operating in DISCON II do?
- Reduce initial response by conserving engine companies
- Limit response to any structure firer to an “A” assignment
- EMS response will be reduced in many cases to a single company or unit (designed to conserve engine companies)
When will the Department go into DISCON III?
The Department will go to DISCON III when MFC is being inundated with 911 calls. The dispatch floor is unable to keep up with incoming calls and priority dispatching must be implemented to gain control
What will operating is DISCON III do?
- Reduce initial resource response to a single engine on most dispatches
- Identify “no-send” incident types
- Limit EMS responses to a single unit on most EMS incident types
TRUE OR FALSE: When a citizen calls the Department and requests assistance, the Department has a duty to respond.
TRUE although, this legal responsibility can be broken by direct notification to the caller that “the Fire Department is in the Disaster Mode and will not respond to your call, until the situation is known”
If MFC is not fully operational, ___ and ___ Assistant Bureau Commanders will immediately establish Area Command and assume responsibility for all operations within that geographic Bureau.
Where is MFCs back-up dispatch center?
City Hall East
TRUE OR FALSE: If MFC is non-operational, there will be no emergency trigger functionality
When an earthquake is felt, all members should _______, _______ and ________________________.
All members should duck, cover and hold until the shaking stops
When LAFD members are notified of a “recall,” they should access the recall hotline number at (___)___-____
What are the two types of volunteers that may be encountered on-scene?
- Convergent Volunteer- this volunteer is one who appears at the scene of a disaster, not as part of an organized response effort, and whose skill level is unknown
- Organized Volunteer- this volunteer is part of an organized effort and has been trained to a specific level of competency
Statistics have shown that approximately ___% of live rescues from earthquake damaged structures are accomplished by untrained spontaneous rescuers