BOOK 3 Flashcards
Who is the head of the Fire Department?
The Board of Fire Commissioners. It has power to supervise, control, regulate and manage the Department and to make and enforce all necessary and desirable rules and regulations
What is the Oath of Office?
I do solemnly swear that I will support this Constitution of the United States of America and that of the State of California; that I will obey the Laws and Ordinances of the City of Los Angeles, familiarize myself with and be obedient to the Rules and Regulations and orders of the Los Angeles Fire Department, and faithfully serve the City of Los Angeles in the discharge of my duties as a firefighter to the best of my knowledge and ability, So Help Me God.
What is an Apparatus?
Any Fire Department vehicle or boat having a shop number
What is the Administrative Office?
The Office of the Fire Chief
What is an Alarm?
A notification to respond to an emergency
What is an Apparatus Operator?
Engineer, apparatus driver, aerial ladder operator, or anyone acting in any of these positions
What is a Battalion?
A subdivision of a Division containing a number of companies
What is a Battalion Commander?
A Chief Officer or Acting Chief Officer in command of a Battalion
What is The Board?
The Board of Fire Commissioners; the head of the Fire Department as defined by Charter
What is a Bureau?
A major subdivision of the Department
What is a Bureau Commander?
Uniformed Chief Officer or civilian administrator in charge of a Bureau
What does the phrase “Though Channels” mean?
The transmission of orders and communications through the intermediate officers in ascending or descending order of rank
What is a Charter?
Charter of the City of Los Angeles
What is a Commanding Officer?
The officer or acting officer who is the member’s immediate superior in the chain of command
What is a Company?
Members under the command of a Company Commander, assigned to a station with apparatus
What is a Company Commander?
Officer or member in command of a Company
What is a Companies Fire Prevention District?
The area in which a company has specific responsibilities for the fire prevention inspection of assigned occupancies under supervision of a Battalion Commander
What is a Division?
A major subdivision of the Department directly subordinate to a Bureau or the Administrative Office
What is a Division Commander?
The Chief Officer in command of a Division
What is a False Alarm?
An alarm given with malicious intent or without reasonable cause. Fire Department resources determined not to be needed