DB 14-12 Water Conservation Flashcards
When was a “Water Wise City” created?
October 14, 2014
Who initiated creating a “Water Wise City”?
Mayor Eric Garcetti
Executive Directive # 5
“Emergency Drought Response- Creating a Water Wise City”
This new directive addresses the City to cut its water use by __% over five years
-over 5 years
City departments to cut lawn watering to __ days a week.
2 days
The attached watering day’s signage shall be completed and posted for the public to view from the Fire Station front office ___.
The just completed 2013-2014 rain season was the __ driest year in Los Angeles since record keeping began in 1877.
7th driest
The combined last three years represent the ___ driest 3-year stretch on record.
__% of the State is suffering from extreme drought.
-extreme drought
The drought has led our City to increase use of imported water to over __% of consumption.
In particular, reducing outdoor water use is critical to solving this crisis as it accounts for more than ___ of all residential water use in Los Angeles.
half (50%)
An effort should be made to utilize ___ or ___ from approved sites.
1) reusable water supplies
2) drafting operations
The Mayor requests every Department to reduce its water consumption by __%
Members shall not use a water hose to wash any paved surfaces including, but not limited to, sidewalks, walkways, aprons, driveways, parking areas, side yards, and similar areas, except to alleviate immediate ___
safety or sanitation hazards
Members shall not use water to clean, fill, or maintain levels in decorative fountains, ponds, lakes, or similar structures used for aesthetic purposes unless such water is part of a ___.
recalculating system
Washing of personal vehicles on Fire Department property is ____.
Strictly prohibited
Members shall only wash Fire Department apparatus or vehicles with a hose that has ___ or an ___, which prevents the continuous flow of water.
self-closing or an auto shut-off nozzle
Washing of Fire Department apparatus shall be at approved locations with ___ as outlined in the facilities Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
Fire Department members shall not water or irrigate lawn, landscape, or other vegetated areas between the hours of ___ and ___ hours.
0900 and 1600 hours
Water usage shall not cause or allow excess or continuous water flow or runoff onto an ___.
adjoining sidewalk, driveway, street, gutter, or ditch
Turn off automatic sprinklers during ___
No landscape irrigation shall be permitted on any day other than Monday, Wednesday, or Friday for ___
odd-numbered street addresses
No landscape irrigation shall be permitted on any day other than Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday for ___
even-numbered street addresses
Street addresses ending in 1⁄2 or any fraction shall conform to the permitted uses for the ___.
last whole number in the address.