DAY8 Flashcards
what is used for screening for oseoporosis
DEXA scan… -1 to -2.5 is ostepenia..
timeline for colon cancer screening with colonoscopy..
every 10years in those over 50
first degree relative has colon cancer then…
screening starts at 40 or 10 years before family member was diagnosed..
pap smear for cervical cancer screening starts..
at age 21 until 75.. every 3 years if normal.. over 30 can combine pap and HPV screening
mammography for breast cancer screening..
every 2 years after age 50
most common cause of death for <1 years old..
congenital malformations
most common cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds..
unintentional injury… (also 1 to 14 year olds, 25 to 34 year olds, 35 to 44 year olds)
most common cause of death for 45 to 64 year olds..
most common cause of death >65 year olds
heart disease
sex chromosome disorders of sexual develpment… XXY
klinefelter syndrome.. male with female charcteristics… breast development, tall, long arms, legs
disorder for females… short stature and male characteristics..
turner syndrome… 45, XO
trisomy 21
down’s syndrome
definition of primary disease prevention…
prevent disease occurrence..
the cell cycle…
gap 1 synthesis.. gap2 G1 S G2
cell division
the most common site of epistaxis (nose bleeds)
anterior bleed.. less severe, bleeding is visible
posterior epistaxis
more brisk and less common, blood is swallowed and may not be seen
skyla, mirena, paraguard
types of IUD’s…
acute, presents with eye pain, headache, nausea, conjuctival infection, halos around lights, fixed dilated pupils.. most common cause of blindness..
closed angle glaucoma.. contact an ophthalmologist immediately
chronic, gradual loss of periperal vision
open angle glaucoma
shortness of breath on supine, edema of the legs, fatigue, heart is pumping but weaker
CHF, congestive heart failure
non specific, don’t memorized, minutes to hours to react.. immunity type?
innate immunity.. neutrophils, macrophages, monocytes, NK cells
adaptive immunity… Tcells and Bcells…
highly specific, slow to react (days)
both b lymphocytes and t lymphocytes originate in the bone marrow but they differ….
b lymphocytes mature in bone marrow - t lymphocytes mature in thymus
b lymphocytes humoral immunity (secretes antibodies) - t lymphocytes cellular immunity
b lymphocytes attact invaders outside the cells - t lymphocytes attack invaders inside the cells
parents can’t stop minors from getting treatment for..
contraception, std’s pregnancy, addiction, emergency, trauma
posterior pituitary produces…
oxytocin and ADH
anterior pituitary produces…
produced by alpha cells on the pancreas….
glucagon… raises the concentation of glucose in the bloodstream
produced by beta cells in the pancreas
insulin.. takes glucose out of the bloodstream
pancreas is both exocrine and endocrine
exocrine..digestive enzyme - endocrine.. alpha, beta, delta
myedema refers to…
thyroid storm…
hyperthyroid extreme..
myxedema coma..
hypothyroid extreme..
glans of penis in male is in a female..
clitoris in female
labia … labia minor… clitoris
scrotum… body of penis… glans of penis
diagnosis for BPH..
DRE, PSA, transrectal ultrasonography..cystoscopy will show an enlarged prostate
asthma, hay fever, food, eczema, anaphylaxis
type 1 hypersensitivity… delayed type is type 4 hypersensitivity
occurs in infants and more common in males.. lateral to inferior epigastric artery
INDIRECT inguinal hernia…
DIRECT inguinal hernia.. older man
Hiatal hernia.. diaphragm area
femoral hernia.. female
Hernia strangulation is an emergency situation
what test provides further evidence of possible peptic ulcer..
fecal occult blood test..
carotid atherosclerosis is one of the main risk factors of CVA… sound that can be auscultated on carotid artery..
during an acupuncture treatment the patient starts having panic attack with hyperventilation..
respiratory >7.4
respiratory acidosis.. hypoventilation.. airway obstruction ph <7.4
a patient suddenly collapse and there is no pulse and breathing cannot be deetected… first thing to do..
call 911
associated with occult blood in the stool..
hemorrhoids, colon cancer, esophagitis…
schilling test?
pernicious anemia with urine
diuretic.. lasix (furosemide) can reult in
hypokalemia.. potassium deficiency
midbrain, pons, medulla
coordinates voluntary movement and balance…
Cerebellum.. CNVIII.. vestibulocochlear
higher brain function like thought and action
limbic system linked to memory
relays messages between lower brain centers and cerebal cortex..
cerebrum supplied by…
carotid arteries
represents the first step in the filtration of blood and generation of urine..
glomerulus…(functional unit in kidneys)
proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, edema
nephrotic syndrome
hematuria, oliguria, hypertension, proteinuria
nephritic syndrome
cortisol and DHEA are indicators of the ..
CPK test is mot often used to SUPPORT the diagnosis of…
myocardial infarction..
CPK is found in various tissues and cell types…
heart, brain, muscles… any muscle injury will show an elevation..
most common form of hep
soft musculoskeletal mass would best be evaluated by….
MRI…brain, joint, rotator cuff…
abdominal pain, kidney stones..
CT scan..
gall stones, pregnancy..
breast self examination….
erythrocyte sedimentation rate utilized for…
inflammatory processes..
when a person faints.. first thing to do…
check for responsiveness…
chronic cough with blood-containing sputum, fever, night sweats, swollen lymph node, weakness and weight loss..
cough with phlegm, chest pain, fever, and trouble breathing..
left sided CHF… coming from Lungs so there is a back flow to the lungs…
pulmonary edema, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
right sided CHF…from the body, systemic…
hepatomegaly, peripheral edema, jugular venous distention
first signal of left sided CHF…
difficult or painful breathing…
right 2nd intercostal space..listening to the heart?
Aortic region..
left sided areas for listening to the heart..
pulmonic, triscupid, mitral (5th intercostal)
grade two heart murmur…
faint quiet but hear immediately when placing a stethoscope…
Grade 1.. very faint many be heard in all postions grade 3.. moderately loud grade 4.. loud grade 5.. very loud grade 6.. loudest possible
the patient’s hard copy records belong to …
health care providor
contents of the patients health records belong to..
chlamydia in most prevalent in men…
from 20 to 24..(most common bacteria)…
chlamydia most prevalent in women…
15 to 24.. (most common viral is HPV)
75% of cholestoerol is bound to …
LDL.. statins lower LDL, fish oil lowers triglycerides..
LDL can penetrate and interact dangerously with the walls of the artery
25% of cholesterol is bound to
HDL… increase HDL through exercise..removes cholesterol from the walls and return it to the liver for disposal from the body..
performing acupunture on a pregnant patient, while needling she complains of sudden abdominal pain nausea, lightheadedness and shoulder pain..
CALL 911.. possibly ectopic pregnancy
health care providor must act on a patients request for ammendment of his or her medical records..
within 60 days..
physical exam for thoracic outlet syndrome.. hyperabduct the arm over the head with some extension and evaluate the loss of radial pulse..
Wright’s test
signs of meningitis..
fever, headache, stiff neck, dislike of bright lights, confusion, kernig’s sign , brudzinkis sign
adrenal medulla hormones…
epinephrine, norepinephrine.. Cateccholamines
adrenal insufficency, hyperpigmentation, tired, hypoglycemia
addison’s disease (effects adrenal cortex)
hormones of the adrenal cortex..
aldosterone, cortisol, cortisone, estrogens, testosterone…
excessive secretion of aldosterone… hypertension and hypokalemia
headache, or blurry vision, fatigue muscle weakness and cramps, numbness and temporary paralysis
Conn’s syndrome
tumor of the adrenal medulla..
palpatations, headache, hypertension, episodic sweating
prolonged exposure to endogenous or exogenous glucocorticoids (cortisol or cortisone)…
cushing syndrome…moon face, buffalo hump, obese, striated abdomen, thinning skin..
lipase and amylase are elevated in
pancreatitis.. (they are produced in the pancreas)
side effects of pyridium phenasopyridine (analgesic for the urinary tract)
urine turns orange…
renin is release from..
ACE is released from …
lung and kidney
recomendations to prevent bones from breaking in osteoporosis…
stop smoking and alcohol..
bilateral swelling and tenderness of the fingers for several week, joint stiffness that is usually worse in the mornings and after inactivity, fatigue, fever, weight loss..
RA.. system rpoblem.. auto immune problem.. hand is deformed
myelogram is a diagnostic procedure for the..used to find tumor, infection, narrowing,
spinal cord
urinary pregnanediol
progesterone levels.. and indirect way to measure.. it is an inactive product of progesterone.
electrocardiogram.. ECG or EKG…
Pwave.. QRS comples.. Twave
ventricular depolarization (contraction)…
QRS complex
atrium depolarization (contraction)
P wave
ventricular repolarization (recovery)
increase of ammonia in blood..
liver cirrhosis.. LV process ammonia out of the body..
pupillary reaction.. CN?
CNII is what is coming in… CNIII is what is going out…
vaccine available for which hep virus…
stomach cancer is confirmed by..
endoscopy and biopsy.. the definitive confirmation for cancer is biopsy.
parietal cells of the stomach secrete..
HCL and intrinsic factor.. this is used in the SI to assist with absorption of B12 .. without this there is pernicous anemia..
distinguishing feature of Grave’s disease..
bulging eyes..
what is the largest and heaviest organ..
largest external organ.. and also the largest organ..
apex of the heart is located at the ..
5th intercostal space.. also listen to the mitral valve here
cranial nerve VII
facial… expressions, saliva, tears, bells palsy, taste ant 2/3 of tongue
deep tendon reflex associated with ankle
deep tendon reflex associated with triceps
deep tendon reflex associated with knee
deep tendon reflex associated with big toe