DAY4 Flashcards
asymptomatic or complain of epigastric pain, nv, hematemesis or melena.. inflammation
rapidly developing, superficial lesions often due to NSAIDS, alcohol, h-pylori infection, and stress from severe illness
acute gastritis
autoantibodies to parietal cells… causes pernicious anemia due to lack of intrinsic factor which aids absorption of Vit B12, assoicated with other autoimmune disorders like thyroiditis
Type A Chronic gastritis
occurs in the antrum and may be caused by NSAID use or H pylori infection.. associated with increased risk of PUD and Gastric cancer
Type B Chronic gastritis (90 %)
causes of gastritis
nsaid use, alcohol, h.pylori infection
meds that block gastric acid secretions by blocking histamine receptors in parietal cells exceptions…
- Ranitidine (zantac)
- Famotidine (pepcid)
- Nizatidine (axid)
- Cetirizine (zyrtec)
- zyrtec is H1 blocker for allergies
pain: duodenal ulcer vs gastric ulcer
decrease with meals vs greater with meals
causes of Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD)
h pylori, corticosteroid, nsaid, alcohol, tobacco
Duodenal: hpylori is 90%
Gastric: h pylori is 70%
dx: PUD
upper endoscopy with biopsy
h pylori testing - urea breath test
complications of PUD
hemorrhage, obstruction, perforation, intractable pain HOPI
56 year old women recently diagnosied with RA. 2 months later has abdominal pain worse with food.
- Gastric ulcer
- duodenal ulcer
- crohn
- ulcerative colitis
greater pain with meals is Gastric ulcer…
crohns and ulcerative are IBD…
over secretion of Gastrin from tumors in duodenum and pancrease resulting in unresponsive, recurrent gnawing, burning abdomnal pain as well as with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, weight loss and GI bleeding
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
hormones for digestion..(source to target)
- Gastrin:
- Secretin:
- Cholecystokinin
- Gastric inhibitory peptide:
- stomach to stomach
- duodenum to pancreas, liver
- duodenum to pancreas, GB
- duodenum to stomach
hormone that stimulates bile secretion in the liver
hormone that stimulates emptying of bile in the GB
functional disorder that is characterized by changes in bowel habits that increase with stress as well as by abdominal pain that improves with bowel movements:
chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, alteration of bowel habits, diarrhea or constipation or both
irritable bowel syndrome
Inflammatory bowel disease: crohns disease vs ulcerative colitis
anywhere from mouth to anus (skip lesions) vs
large intestines and anus (continuous lesions with bleeding)
heartburn 30 to 90 minutes after a meal, worsens with reclining, and often improves with antacids, sitting or standing.. sour taste, globus, unexplained cough, morning hoarseness
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
symptomatic reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus (transient LES relaxation)
test for GERD
barium swallow: hiatal hernia
upper endoscopy with biopsy: rule out barretts esophagus
24 hr ph monitoring
abnormal change of the cells (metaplasia) in the lower portion of the esophagus
- pheochromocytoma
- zollinger-ellison syndrome
- barrett esophagus
- hiatal hernia
Barretts esophagus
- pheochromocytoma - tumor of adrenal medulla
- sollinger ellison syndrome - gastrin producing tumor
- hiatal hernia ST
unilateral, 4 to 72 hrs, pain with nausea, photophobia or phonophobia, may have aura; more common in women, triggered by food, light or sound
migraine headache
treatment for migraines
Triptan, nsaids; propranolol, topiramate)
diagnosis for migraines
POUND; pulsatile, oneday, unilateral, nausea, disabling
unilateral, 15mins to 3 hrs, repetitive brief headache, excruciating periorbital pain with lacrimation and rhinorrhea; more common in men
Cluster headaches
treatment for cluster headaches
100% O2, sumatriptan
bilateral, >30mins, 4 to 6 hours, constant, steady pain, most common
tension headaches
treatment for tension headaches
analgesics, nsaids, acetaminophen
classic vs common migraines
unilateral w/aura vs bilateral w/o aura
unilateral chest pain, dyspnea, unilateral chest expansion, decrease tactile fremitus, hyperresonance, diminished breath sounds, all on affected side; commonly in tall, thin, young males
pneumothorax P_THORAX pleuritic pain tracheal deviation hyperressonancee onset sudden reduced breath sounds absent fremitus xray shows collapse
subtypes of pneumothorax
- primary (tall thin young males)
- secondary ( to COPD, TB, trauma, iatrogenic)
- tension (shock or death)
treatment of tension pneumothorax - emergency
immediate needle decompression followed by chest tube placement
RESULT OF Virchow's triad: venous stasis (plane flights, bed rest, incompetent venous valves) endothelial trauma (surgery, injury to LE) hypercoagulability state (malignancy, pregnancy, OCP use)
deep vein throbosis
clot formation in the large veins of the extremities or pelvis
unilateral lower extremity pain and swelling; Homan’s sign (dorsiflex foot causes pain in calf)
test choice for DVT
doppler ultrasound
most commonly occurs in young adults, acute EBV infection, infection through exchange of body fluids
infections mononucleosis
treatment of mononucleosis
and DX
no effective treatment
Dx: heterophil antibody text, EBV specific antiboides
red flag complication for Mono
splenomegaly… patients should avoid contact sports
diagnostic test for Systemic Lupus
sensitive test ANA, more specific test is Anti-dsDNA or Anti-Sm or Anti-histone (drug induces SLE) antibodies
high BP, BMI>30 (obese), insulin resistance (hirsutism, obesity, acne, androgenic alopecia, acanthosis nigricans)
polycistic ovarian syndrome
women in reproductive age.. with PCOS have high risk for….
type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, infertility, metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension)
diuretic that treats hirsutism..
- acetazolamide
- mannitol
- furosemide
- hydrochlorothiazide
- spironolactone
- spironolactone
productive cough for >3months for 2 consecutive years
terminal airway destruction and dilation
Chronic bronchitis plus Emphysema
dyspnea, pursed lips, minimal cough, decreased breath sounds, late hypercarbia/hypoxia, pink skin due to rapid breathing
Emphysema “pink puffer”
cyanosis with mild dyspnea, productive cough, overweight with peripheral edema, rhonchi, early signs of hypercarbia/hypoxia, classic barrel chest, use of accessory chest muscles, muffled breath sounds
Chronic bronchitis (blue bloater)
most important risk factor for COPD
flank pain, fever/chills, nausea/vomiting, dysuria, frequency, and urgency - ecoli
pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation)
similar to s/s of cystitis but upper UTI
dx: UA, culture, CBC, ultrasound, CT scan
upper UTI
ureter, kidneys
lower UTI
bladder, urethra
costovertebral tenderness…
- pyelonephritis
- cholecystitis
- appendicitis
- diverticulitis
cholecystitis RUQ
appendicitis RLQ
Diverticulitis LLQ
side effects of fluoroquinolone (antibiotics)…
- muscle pain
- GI bleeding
- hepatotoxicity
- tendon rupture
- tendon rupture..
ex: ciprofloxacin (CIPRO, CILOXAN) levofloxacin (LEVAQUIN) enoxacin (PLENETREX) moxifloxacin (AVELOX) norfloxacin (NOROXIN, CHIBROXIN) ofloxacin (CLOXIN, OCUFLOX)
multiple neurologic complaints that are SEPARATED IN TIME AND SPACE and are not explained by a single lesion
scanning speech + intrnuclear ophthalmoplegia + nystagmus (eyes, ears, mouth)
between 20 to 40 onset
sensitive to heat
Multiple Sclerosis (autoimmune disease)
key: sensitive to hot showers, hot weather
remitting, relapsing patient presents with multiple nuerologic complaints that are separate in time and space?
- RA
- MS
MS.. myelin sheath damaged and axon exposed
- lives on the scalp and lays its eggs as nits attached to the hair
- lives in clothing and bites only the body
- lives on pubic hair
spread through body contact or by sharing bedclothes and garments, secrete local toxin and create pruritus
head (classroom epidemics)
pubic (crabs)
intense pruritus, especially at night and after HOT SHOWERS… most common areas are hands, axillae, genitals, tracks can be seen along with erythematous excoriate papules
Scabies - itching increases as an allergy is developed to the mite and its products
tx: 1 to 2 applications overnight of 5% permethrin ..neck down
epilepsy.. (febrile seizures are not epilepsy)
effect one area (focal) of the brain - PARTIAL
simple paritel (<15mins) and complex partial (>15mins)
effect a diffuse area - GENERALIZED
absence, myoclonic, tonic-clonic, tonic, atonic
simple partial vs complex partial seizures
consciousness intact vs impaired consciousness
petit mal, 3Hz, spike and wave EEG, no postictal confusion, blank stare
ABSENCE seizure (diffuse type, generalized)
quick repetitive jerks
MYOCLONIC seizure (diffuse type, generalized)
grand mal, alternating stiffengin and movement
TONIC-CLONIC seizure (diffuse type, generalized)
TONIC seizure (diffuse type, generalized)
“drop” seizures (falls to floor), commonly mistaken for fainting
ATONIC seizure (diffuse type, generalized)
dx procedure for seizures
- Electo accu
- EEG electroencephalogram
continuous seizure more than 30 mins, recurrent without regaining consciousness between seizures
Status Epilepticus.. medical emergency
treated with lorazepam, benzo
subtype of dizziness… spinning while stationary (not lightheaded)
peripheral vertigo vs central vertigo
inner ear etiology vs brain stem or cerebellar lesion
inner ear: canalithiasis(Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo), neuritis vestibularis, menieres disease, trauma, ototoxic drugs
brain stem or cerebellar lesion: stroke(50%), demyelinating (MS), drugs (anticonvulsant, alcohol, hypnotic)
sense of spinning that starts when turning or reaching overhead, sudden <1min, recurrent resulting from a dislodged otolith
BPPV (benign paroxysmal postiional vertigo)
effects one ear, causing vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss.. profuse sweating, nystagmus
Meniere’s disease
most common cause of dementia in elderly
75 year old female, paranoia, loss of memory, CT scan: cortical atrophy, enlarged ventricle, nuerofibrillary tangles, senile plaques, general cerebral atrophy
Alzheimers.. tx: donepezil - ARICEPT…(increase acetyl choline)
second most common type of dementia…. age, hypertension, diabetes, history of stroke
Vascular dementia (stroke) CVA
rare, progressive form of dementia characterized by atrophy of the FRONTAL and TEMPORAL lobes
Patients present with significant changes in behavior and personality EARLY in the disease
dementia, parkinsonism, recurrent VISUAL HALLUCINATIONS
lowy body dementia
creutzfeldt-jakob disease (prion disease) - rare form of dementia
obsessive compulsive disorder vs obsessive compulsive personality disorder
OCD: patients recognize the obsessive/compulsive behavior as products of their own mind and want to get better
OCPD: they do not recognize the behavior
key differential for OCD
patient will present to a non-pychiatrist for a problem e. skin complain to a dermatologist
meds for OCD
fluoxetine = Prozac Sertraline = Zoloft Paroxetine = Paxil Citalopram = Celexa Escitalopram = Lexapro
SSRI’s for OCD
side effects of SSRI’s
upset stomack, sexual DYSFUNCTION, serotonin syndrome (happens when mixing SSRI’s)
PAINFUL (posterpetic nueralgia), vesicles evolving into crusted lesions in a dermatomal distribution?
- Herpes Zoster
- Acne Vulgaris
- Pemphigus vulgaris
- Bullous pemphigoid
herpes zoster.. shingles.. Varicella Zoster virus
diagnostic to find metastasizing cancer?
PET scan
patient has nocturnal penile tumescence but complains of erectile dysfunction… etiology?
- psychological
- endocrine
- vascular
- neurologic
- exogenous
- psychological because of noctural tumescence
endocrine.. from diabetes
vascular .. arthrosclerosis
neurologic.. stroke
exogenous… SSRI, BBlockers
urological emergency that requires immediate attention
- benign prostatic hyperplasia
- epididymitis
- orchitis
- testicular torsion
- testicular torsion Prehn’s sign ( pain does not go away when lifted)
- epididymitis.. acute infection that results in posterior/superior testicular tenderness. Prehn’s sign is postitive.. pain is relieved