DAY10 Flashcards
normal hip flexion using passive ROM…
measured by goniometer.. 120 degrees
normal shoulder flexion using passive ROM..
180 degrees…
restricted knee flexion using passive ROM..
this means less than normal … which is 120 degrees..
arm is abducted (away from body) to shoulder height and the elbow is flexed.. ROM for internal rotation of the shoulder…
90 degrees..
normal forearm supination and pronation using active ROM..
important to know where neutral is… 90 degrees from neutral..
loose connective tissue with elastic and adipose tissue.. lubricate joint cavities..
synovial membrane..
serous membrane - closed body cavities..
mucous membrane - linings to cavities that are open to the exterior
cutaneous membrane - covers outside of body
serous membrane..
pericaridal, peritoneal, pleural.. closed body cavities..
skull xray evaluates..
skull bones and paranasal sinuses.. bone is white and space is black..
low blood chloride levels are due to..
severe vomiting and diarrhea.. this causes electrolyte embalances
alpha beta blocker that is used to treat severe hypertension…
trandate labetalol…
beta blocker - olol
excess triglycerides are deposited in..
fatty tissues…
excess triglycerides are seen as fatty deposits under the skin called xanthoma…normal triglyceride levels are 150 or lower..
connect one bone to another bone..
bone to muscle.. tendons
muscle to muscle.. fasciae
injury of muscle or tendon..
strain… bone to muscle is tendon..
joint out of position and rupture of supporting ligament
sprain… (ligament is bone to bone)
grade II ankle sprain.. (ligament)
larger but incomplete tear..
I. stretching small tear
III. complete tear
most common injured ligament in the fooot..
Anterior Talofibular ligament (Always Tears)…outside of the ankle..
inside of foot.. tibiocalcaneal ligament..
test for urolithiasis..
urinalysis.. renal CT.. renal ultrasonography.. best test is CT.. MRI is NOT USED for stones
which drug slows down RA progression..
- nsaids
- chochicine
- allopurinol
DMARD is Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drug..
others are for Gout..acute and chronic
heberdens node..
Heberedens in DIP joints…
Bouchards in PIP joints… HD and BP..
patient with ulnar deviation of the metacarpophalangeal joints..
hyperextension of PIP joints with flexion of DIP joints..
swan neck deformity..
flexed PIP joints and extended DIP joints..
boutonniere deformity..
joint pain worse with activity and weight bearing but imporve with rest, stiff joints, restricted joint motion, crepitus, herbeden and bouchard nodes..
symmetric joint swelling morning stiffness>1 hour, pain in wrist, MCP and PIP joints, boutonniers and swan neck deformtiy
swollen tender and warm joints with sudden onset, podagra in 1st MTP joint, Tophi
hip pain, lower back pain that worsens with inactivity and in the morning, radiography shows fused sacroiliac joint with BAMBOO spines
ankylosing spondylitis
WBC very high over 80,000…
septic arthritis..
hormone secreted by the kidneys that increases the rate of production of RED BLOOD CELLS in response to falling levels of oxygen in the tissues..
- cholecystokinin
- gastrin
- erythropoietin
- human chorionic gonadotropin
- ERYTHROpoietin
gastrin stimulate secreting pepsinogen
CHOLEcystokinin stimulate emptying of the bile
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is produced by the embryo following implantation
produced by the placenta to help feed the growing baby
treatment for infectious mononucleosis (result of EBV)
rest during the acute phase.. there is no real treatment..
menstrual cramps are a result of …
prostaglandins.. which is why NSAIDs help.. that stop the production
COX-2 inhibitors reduce inflammation… but they also..
reduce COX-1 which is GI protection so a side effect is GI bleeding…
COX 2 inhibitors..
celebrex (celcoxib), VIOXX (fofecoxib), Bextra (Valdecoxib)
federal program that covers people over 65..
medicare.. medicaid is a state and federal…
afer you treat a refered patient your responsibility..
send a report expaong your AOM evaluation and treatment to the referring physician..
bone, cartilage, blood, adipose tissue…
connective tissue..
miosis.. (excessive constriction of the pupil)..
heroin.. opioids..
dilation of pupils..
amphetamines, cocaine, LSD
Schedule II drugs…
accepted medical use with SEVERE restrictions with high potential for abuse..(aderol, rialyn)
Schedule 1.. NO ACCEPTED MEDICAL USE, high potential for abuse.. (marijuana falls into this category Federally)
Schedule 3. accepted medical use with MODERATE to low potential for abuse (codeine percoset)
Schedule 4. accepted medical use with POTENTIAL for abuse, but less than 3
Schedule 5. Accepted medical use with low potential for abuse. (antitussive, anti diarrheal).. in TX anti tussive are now Schedule 3.
decreased norepinephrine causes..
decreased dopamine is an indicator for..
parkinsons.. levadopa with carbidopa..
what should be reported to health authorities..
- erythrasma
- pertussis
- animal bite
- mumps
erythrasma is a skin condition.. bacterial..
folate deficiency and cobalamin deficiency are associated with…
folate is B9 and cobalmain is B12 .. both are associated with macrocytic anemia… and have increased homcysteine..only B12 has increased MMA
laparascopy is used for…
endometriosis.. ectopic pregnancy..
a teen patient lets you know she is pregnant.. what do you do…
encourage her to speak with her parents…
what are the risks associated with smoking during pregnancy…
risk of delivering prematurely…
most important procedure for preventing the transmission of antibiotic resistant organisms…
hand washing.. (number 1 Clean needle technique answer)
this may occur with another health problem.. giant cell arthritis.. or temporal arthritis..
polymyalgia rheumatica.. they occur at the same time..
treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia include any of the following except..
- fluoxetine (prozac)
- tamsulosin (flomax)
- proscar (finasteride)
- dutasteride (avodart)
prozac is for depression..
icd is developed monitored and copyrighted by ..
world health organization.. global… CPT codes are American Medical Association..
patient with recent overseas travel history has develped calf pain. there is a sudden tenderness in the leg and the pain increases druing walking.. positive Homans sign. patient begins experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain.. your response?
refer to ER.. immediatly.. possible DVT and pulmonary embolism
treatmetn of fibromyalgia…
aerobic exercise, duloxtine (cymbalta SNRI), amitriptyline (Elavil) antidepressants
diagnostic test for bronchiectasis; permanent damage of the bronchi tubes..
xray and CT scan..
MRI is for brain, muscles, joints
TX: bacterial so antibiotics
young weight lifter complains of anterior shoulder pain around CO15.. most likely from..
bicipital tendon.. tests would be Speeds test (arm is supinated) and Yergasons test (try to turn arm outward)
which is not a key in identifying Hashimoto Thyroiditis…
Hypothyroidism… TSH is important.. but T3 is not used..
most significant occupation risk in the US>..
incubation period for HEP C
14 to 180… has highest rate of going chronic..
HEP A is 15 to 50
HEP B is 45 to 160
HEPE is 15 to 60
increases the chances of liver toxicity from acetaminophen or will worsen the liver damage that acetaminophen can cause…
how to check infant responsiveness in CPR…
patting feet and shoulders
forms of estrogen hormones..
estradiol… women of childbearing age
estriol … estrogen during pregnancy
estorne .. after menopause
estriol function…during pregancy..
thick uterine lining providing blood to the placenta
treating GERD…
proton pump inhibitors.. suppress acid production
H2 receptor blockers.. blocks parietal cells
lifestyle changes
types of proton pump inhibitors…
prilosec (omeprazole) Nexium (esomeprazole) prevacid (lansoprazole) acipHex (rabeprazole) protonix (pantoprazole) dexilant (dexlansoprazole) work by reducing the amount of stomach acid made by glands in the linig of your stomach
histamine 2 blockers for GERD…
tagamet (cimetidine)
pepcid (famotidine)
zantac (ranitidine)
hematocrit.. is…
proportion of your total blood volume that is composed of red blood cells..
Mean corpuscular volume or MCV.. is the average volume of red cells.. pernicious anemia?
MCV is 120 for VitB12 deficincy anemia.. macrocytic
knee reflex does not test..
- L1
- L2
- L3
- L4
it does not test L1.. tapping below the patella tests L4. it also test L2 and L3..
routine screening for breast cancer
breast self examination, clincal breast examination, mammography.. but not a biopsy
digestive enzymes for fat..
digestive ensymes for protein
pepsin, trypsin, petidases
enzyme for carbohydrate is relased from ..
mouth and SI..not the stomach.. protein enzyme pepsin comes from the stomach
inhibitory neurotransmitter…
diazepam (valium) and alprasolam (xanax) are..
benzodiasepines.. facilitate GABA action by increasing frequency of CI channel opening
what is added to ergotamine (for migraines) to facilitate GI absorpiotn and synergetic effect… it is a vaso constrictor
sexually transmitted disease..
trichomoniasis. . protozoa
vs. . candida vulvovaginitis (fungus) or bacterial vaginosis (bacterial)
shape of heart, size of heart, internal chamber size quantification, pumping capcity and the location and extent of any tissue damage…
echocardiography…ECG cannot see size..
electrodiagnostic technique for evaluating and recording the electical activity produced by skeletal muscles..
test for Bells Palsy…
physical exam, electromyography, MRI using contrast agent for CNVII(facial)
heterophile antibody test is for…
epstein barre virus..mononucleosis
hodgkins disease is cancer of…
lymphatic system.. what is main difference between
Hodgkins and non-hodgkins disease..
nonhodgkins has nonpainful swollen neck, axilla nd groin glands, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly,low back pain referring to legs..
MMR vaccine is for
mumps.. measles (rubeola), rubella (german measels)
ACE inhibitor..hypertension…
ends in -pril..
- olol beta blocker
- pine cc blocker
- statin HmGCoA reductase inhibitor
lisino-pril…inhibits the prodcution of..
angiontensin II
plays a central role in the regulation of blood pressure mianly by increasing reabsorption of ions and water in the kidneys…
light colored white or clay colored stool indicates..
lack of bile in stool…
excess fat in stool..
steatorhea.. malabsorption..
parietal cells of the stomach secrete..
HCl and intrinsic factor.. intinsic factor binds with B12 and absobed in ileum .. without it this causes pernicous anemia..
another term for illness…
incidence is probability of new.. total amount
mortality is death
potent clot busting drug needs to be given from the time stroke starts within ….
3 hours.. used for ischemic stroke…thrombus blocking artery..
other type of stroke Heorhagic.. damage to vessels so this would not be a good option..
ischemic stroke, an immediate treatment given in the emergency room to reduce the likelihood of having another stroke?
aspirin prevents clots form forming..
ischemic stroke vs hemorrhagic stroke occurence?
80 to 20..
what diagnostic is used for hemorrhagic stroke..
CT scan without contrast..
first line drug choice for strep throat…
streptococcal pharyngitis.. is a bacterium. .so use penicillin
what happens of penicillin is given to Mono patient…
this Epstein Barre virus… they will deveolp a rash..
innervates the dorsal aspect of the index middle and distal thumb..
radial nerve
innervates the 4th and 5th fingers..
ulna nerve
innervates the palmar side of thumb index and middle finger and half ring finger
median nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome)
malignant tumor…
high mitotic index means it divides quickly and is more aggressive..
hypothalmic pituitary adrenal axis includes..
corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
this is a negative feedback loop system…