day 7 - VO2 continued + some nutrition Flashcards
what is lactate made of
a pyruvate with 2H (from NADH+H or FADH2)
cardiac muscles are analogous to BLANK twitch muscle fibers
fast twitch muscle
lactate shuttle (func)
shuttles lactate from fast twitch muscle fiber to nearby slow twitch muscle fiber (converting lactate to pyruvate and then it goes to mitochondria = ATP)
supramaximal (def)
at a work rate greater than the work rate that illicited VO2 max
severe exercise
working so hard that you CANNOT reach a steady state
incremental exercise (def)
work bout in which the intensity of the exercise is continually increased, often until fatigue (“im done”)
generally, how long are stages in incremental exercise
3-5 minutes
why are stages in incremental exercise generally 3-5 minutes
so participant reaches/has a chance to reach steady state at each stage
VO2 increases in a BLANK fashion when work rate is measured at the end of each stage
VO2 peak (def)
where volunteer stopped or the highest VO2 measured in test (but dont have enough info to say its max)q
VO2 max occurs when…
there is no further increase in VO2 (platou in VO2) even with an increased work rate (power) or intensity
what is ‘work rate’ another word for
lactate threshold (def)
the point during incremental exercise at which blood lactate begins to rise rapidly or exponentially
for untrained people, lactate threshold is around BLANK % VO2 max
50% VO2 max
lactate acumulation is caused by…
caused by recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers during high-intensity work (anaerobic glycolosis = lactate production)