day 4 - muscle action + biochemistry (basic) Flashcards
how many Calories does 1g of CH2O produce
how many Calories does 1g of protein (PPO) produce
how many Calories does 1g of fat/lipids produce
how many Calories does 1g of alcohol produce
isometric/static muscle action (def)
muscle or muscle(s) exert force without changing external length (ex. pushing on wall)
when does isometric muscle action occur
occurs when the force produced equals the resistance or when attempting to move an immovable object
number one exercise that activates core + low back
concentric muscle action (def)
muscle shortens because force production is greater than the resistance placed on it
is concentric the positive or negative phase of an exercise
eccentric muscle action (def)
muscle produces force and muscle LENGTHENS because force produced is less than the resistance/load
is eccentric the positive or negative phase of an exercise
negative :/
what type of muscle action REALLY makes your muscles sore (microtears)
is gastrocnemius fast or slow twitch muscle fibers?
fast twitch
is soleus fast or slow twitch muscle fibers?
slow twitch
increasing a muscles temperature allows for BLANK contraction and relaxation