day 12 - cardiovascular system Flashcards
heart (def)
organ that pumps blood and creates pressure in vascular system
arteries + arterioles (def)
vessels that carry blood away from heart
capillaries (def)
vessels that allow for gas/nutrient exchange with tissue(s)
veins + venuoles (def)
vessels that carry blood toward the heart
blood is made up of: (super basic)
liquid and cells
components of blood:
- plasma
- hematocrit
plasma (def)
liquid portion of blood
what is plasma made up of
small ions, amino acids, glucose, horomones, etc
hematocrit (def)
percent of blood composed of cells (not liquid)
what makes up hematocrit
primarily red blood cells
also white blood cells, and platelets
red blood cells (func)
have hemoglobin which transports O2
white blood cells (func)
important for immune function
platelets (func)
important for blood clotting
normal college-age person has hematocrit levels around…
~42% for males
~38% for females
what makes blood viscus
what/in which situations can/is your blood more viscus
dehydrated or use of erythropoietin (EPO) to make more red blood cells
main functions of cardiovascular system (3)
1) transports O2 and nutrients to tissue(s)
2) removes CO2 and metabolic byproducts from tissue(s)
3) regulates body tempurature
how does the cardiovascular system regulate body tempurature
1) blood gains heat when it flows through/by working muscles and transports that heat to skin as blood is circulated away from heart + out toward perifery
2) increased circulation post exercise helps body cool off faster (cool down/walk)
systemic circuit
left side (L ventricle) of the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood out of aorta to body via arteries and returns oxygen-poor blood from body to right side of hear (R atrium) via veins
pulmonary circuit
right side (R ventricle) of heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to lungs via pulmonary arteries and returns oxygen-rich blood from lungs through pulmonary veins
what artery/arteries carry DO2/oxygen-poor blood
pulmonary arteries
going from heart to lungs to get oxiginated
what vein/veins carry oxiginated blood
pulmonary veins
going from lungs to heart to get pumped out to body
cardiac output (Q) def.
total amount of blood ejected from heart per minute (L/min)
heart rate (HR) def.
number of heart beats/contractions per minute (bpm)
stroke volume (SV) def.
amount of blood ejected by heart per beat (mL/beat)
equation for cardiac output (Q)
Q = HR * SV
“normal” blood pressure
<120 and/or 80mmHg
high (stage 1) blood pressure
> 130 and/or 90mmHg
how is blood pressure expressed/recorded
systolic/diastolic blood pressures
systolic pressure is the BLANK number
systolic blood pressure (def)
pressure generated in aorta/arteries due to hearts ventricular contraction