day 14 - respiratory system Flashcards
purpoes/function of the respiratory system
1) provides means of gas exchange between environment and the body/blood
2) provides means of gas exchange between blood and the cells
3) plays a role in regulation of acid/base balance during exercise (CO2 = weak acid, buildup = bad)
conducting zone (func)
- conducts air to respiratory zone
- humidifies, warms, and filters air
- NO actual respiration/gas exchange
respiration (def)
gas exchange at any level
conducting zone (def)
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
conducts air to respiratory zone
respiratory zone (def)
respiratory bronchioles, alviolar sacks
exchange of gasses between air + blood
respiratory zone (func)
exchange of gasses between air + blood
ventalation (def)
movement of air in + out of lungs via changes in pressure (bulk flow)
atmospheric pressure at sealevel
760 mmHg
inspiration at rest (process)
- diaphram contract and pushes downward
- volume of thoracic cage increases, pressure decreases to 758 mmHg
external intercostals (muscle action)
move up and out (inspiration)
internal intercostals (muscle action)
move down and in (experation)
inspiration during exercise (process)
- diaphram contracts etc with help of:
a) external intercostals
b) pectoralis minor
c) scalenes
d) sternocleidomastoid - these muscles expand ripcage more and faster = greater drop in pressure and greater volume + rate of inspiration
- 758 mmHg
expiration at rest (process)
- diaphram relaxes and moves upward
- decreasing thoracic cavity volume and increasing pressure in thoracic cavity – 763 mmHg
expiration during exercise (process)
- diaphram relaxes etc with help of:
a) rectus abdominus
b) internal intercostals
c) external + internal obliques
resistance to airflow is largly determined by…
airway diameter
respiratory control center is located in the
medulla oblongada
respiratory control center in medulla oblongada receives bloodborn info from
- central chemoreceptors: medulla
- periferal chemoreceptors: aortic bodies, corotid bodies
hypoxia (def)
low O2 levels in blood, usualy happens over 10,000 ft
inadequate oxygen levels
Ve (def)
volume air expired per minute
Ve (volume expired) is to the respiratory system as BLANK is to the cardiovascular system
Q (cardiac output)
Ve equation
Ve = Vt * Rf
Vt = title volume = volume expired per breath
Rf/RR = respiratory frequency/rate = breaths/min