Dates Flashcards
Founding of Rome
April 21, 753 BC
First Spolia Opima
752 BC
Start of the Republic
509 BC
Battle of Lake Regillus
496 BC
First Secession of the Plebs
494 BC
Battle of Mt Algidus
458 BC
451 BC, then 450 BC
Lex Canuleia
445 BC
Third Secession of the Plebs
445 BC
Second Spolia Opima
437 BC
Siege of Veii
405-396 BC
Brennus’s Sack of Rome
390 BC
First Samnite War
343-341 BC
Latin War
340-338 BC
Battle of Vesuvius/First Devotio
340 BC
Second Samnite War
326-304 BC
Battle of the Caudine Forks
321 BC
Via Appia Construction
312 BC
Third Samnite War
298-290 BC
Battle of Sentinum
295 BC
Fifth Secession of the Plebs
287 BC
Lex Hortensia
287 BC
Pyrrhic War
280-275 BC
Battle of Heraclea
280 BC
Battle of Asculum
279 BC
Battle of Beneventum
275 BC
First Punic War
264-241 BC
Battle of Agrigentum
262 BC
Battle of Mylae
260 BC
Battle of Cape Ecnomus
256 BC
Battle of Bagradas Valley
255 BC
Battle of Drepana
249 BC
Battle of the Aegates Islands
241 BC
Battle of Cape Telemon
225 BC
Battle of Clastidium
222 BC
Third Spolia Opima
222 BC
Second Punic War
218-201 BC
Battle of Ticinus River
218 BC
Battle of Trebia River
218 BC
Battle of Lake Trasimene
217 BC
Battle of Cannae
216 BC
Siege of Syracuse
Capture of Carthago Nova
209 BC
Battle of Baecula
208 BC
Battle of Metaurus River
207 BC
Battle of Ilipa
206 BC
Battle of Campi Magni
203 BC
Battle of Zama
202 BC
Battle of Cynoscephalae
197 BC
Aetolian War
First Battle of Pydna
168 BC
Second Battle of Pydna
148 BC
Third Punic War
149-146 BC