7 Kings of Rome Flashcards
Name the 7 Kings in order
Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, Tarquinius Superbus
Who were Romulus’s parents?
Rhea Silvia (daughter of Numitor, descended from Aeneas) and Mars
Who were Numitor and Amulius?
Numitor was king of Alba Longa and father of Rhea Silvia. Amulius was his brother who usurped the throne and ordered the drowning of Romulus and Remus
Grandfather of Romulus?
Great grandfather of Romulus?
Who founded Alba Longa?
What was the Rape of the Sabines?
Romulus invites Sabines to a Consualia festival for Neptune, seizes the women
Who seized the most beautiful woman during the Rape of the Sabines?
Who was bribed to open the gates to Rome to the Sabines?
Tarpeia, asks for what was on their left arms, they crush her with their shields, they name a rock after her where they push off traitors (Tarpeian Rock)
Who was defending the citidel against the Sabines during Romulus’ rule?
S. Tarpeius (father of Tarpeia)
What was Romulus known as after his death?
Quirinus (a god)
Explain the two versions of Rome’s victory over the Sabines in Romulus’ rule after Tarpeia lets them in the gates
- Hostius Hostillius is fighting Sabine Mettius Curtius, Mettius falls into a big swamp in the forum (Lacus Curtius, Rome wins
- Chasm opens in forum, have to throw what was most dear to them in there, Sabine Marcus Curtius thought it was youth and jumped in, Rome wins
Who does Romulus marry?
Hersilia, who convinces the Sabines and Romans to stop fighting
What were Romulus and Hersilia’s deified names?
Quirinus and Hora
Who does Romulus co-rule with?
Titus Tatius
Where did Titus Tatius die?
Who does Romulus sacrifice to?
What hill did Romulus make an asylum for criminals?
What were Romulus’ 300 bodyguards called?
What does Romulus earn after defeating Acron?
Spolia Opima (enemy armor, Roman leader beats enemy leader in hand to hand combat)
Where does the armor from the Spolia Opima get dedicated to?
Temple of Jupiter Feretrius
What tribe was Acron from?
Who established the 12 lictors who would accompany the king?
Who did Numa marry?
Tatia, Titus Tatius’s daughter
What did the lictors hold?
Fasces: bundle of rods with an axe
Who established the first 100 man senate?
How does Romulus die?
Disappears into a storm cloud near the Lapis Niger (rock)
Which senator saw Romulus in a vision saying that he was swept away, and told the Romans of this, dispelling rumors that the senate killed him?
Julius Proculus
Who was the second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
What was Numa’s descent?
Sabine, from Cures
What title does Numa introduce and who was the first one?
Pontifex Maximus (high priest) since he establishes religion
-Numa Marcius is the first
Who fixed the lawful and unlawful days for conducting business and what were they called?
Numa Pompilius
What temple did Numa build?
Temple of Janus (doors open in war, closed in peace)
Who built the temple of Jupiter Elicius?
Numa Pompilius
Who introduced the flamines, and give three examples of them?
Numa Pompilius
-flamen dialis (priest of Jupiter)
-flamen martialis (priest of Mars)
-flamen Quirinalis (priest of Quirinus)
Who were Numa Pompilius’ kids?
Pompilia (mother of Ancus Marcius) and Calpus (founder of gens Calpurnia)
Who did Numa (maybe) study with?
What was the name of the place where Numa Pompilius and the Pontifex Maximus lived, and who built it?
The Regia, Numa built it
What nymph did Numa consult and where did they always meet up?
-Met up in a cave in the Palatine hill
What were the ancilia?
12 sacred shields that were sent by Jupiter to Numa to protect Rome from a plague
Who held the ancilia?
The Salii (leaping priests of Mars)