Data Presentation Flashcards
→ Part of descriptive statistics – Sumamrizing and presenting data
→ Purpose – presenting the data and result when research is done
Data Presentation
3 types of Data Presentation?
- Narrative (Textual)
- Tabular
- Graphical
T or F
is it possible to use and combine different type to present data?
Can be used combination of any (e.g. narrative, tabular)
Three Types of Data Usually Tabulated
- Frequency Distribution
- Correlation Data
- Time Series Data
T or F
in every table, narrative, or graphical, there is a equal or possible graphical representation?
yung data na ginagamit sa graphical rep, came from table, narrative,
if u see this card
Familliarize urself with the simple exampe for narrative and table
Narrative - T or F
Narrative form takes a lot to decipher?
Too many letters or words
Narrative - T or F
Narrative are for longer summaries
its only for short summaries!
TOO long will not take the gist, i table na
Reason for Tabulation ?
Data are tabulated to make them easier to understand
Tabulation - T or F
it is not organized, but concise and compact
it is Organized, Concise, abd compact when there a lot of data
Datas are grouped according to some scale of classification, where the sum of the entries is equal to the total.
Frequency Distribution
Freq. DIstribution - T or F
There is a no characteristic to be categorized?
need ma-categorize
Freq. DIstribution
The figures may either be in ?
- actual numbers
- in percent
- or in both
Freq. Distribution
what are the scales used?
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
Freq. Distribution
when classifying qualitative scale, what should you do?
an individual is put into one or another part of the scale according to some more or less readily recognizable attribute or characteristic
Freq. Distribution
in QUALI the presentation of data in table should be?
highest to lowest
In the data MALE nauna (exception to the rules) if SEX categ
Freq. Distribution - T or F
The 2 tables can be expressed in percent and the data will still be of the frequency distribution type
Freq. Distribution - T or F
The two qualitative scales can be combined and the result will still be a frequency distribution.
one way table is for?
1 categorical variable
a visual representation of the possible relationships between two sets of categorical data.
Two-way frequency tables
give me some examples of QUALI scale
- age
- weight
- blood pressure
- scores
Freq. Distribution - T or F
When classifying according to a quantitative scale, the individual is assigned to a number in accordance with some measuring device.
may mag memeasure daoat
to not overlap!
when do we use multiple response table?
if the answers is more thant the sample population
may choices sila and can pick one or more okay? okay
Used to compare two or more frequencies.
Correlation Data
Simple presentation without attempts to present rates or ratios make the data a pure frequency distribution.
Correlation Data
If rates or ratios are calculated and included in the table, summation of rows or columns will not give the total
hence the data lose their frequency nature but the table offers a better
Correlation Data
is there a total row or columns in a correlation data?
wala, only talks about correlations!
Variable changes over a period of time is the ones being presented
Time Series
What are the variable under TIME SEIRES?
it changes can be year, month, etc as long it tells movement of time
The process of tabulation is a process of ?
When using tabulation, what is the sequence?
kayya concise and compact ang table
Enumerate the parts of a table
- Table No.
- Title
- (Headnotes)
- Row and Column Headings
- Stubs
- Cell
- Body of the table
- Footnotes
- Source
identify the element of the table
- The word table should be capitalized
- Arabic numbers
- If related, use the decimals – e.g. 7.2, 7.3
Table no.
identify the element of the table
Uses dash (-) before the Title not PERIOD
identify the element of the table
it should contain:
this should answer the questions
identify the element of the table
- First letter of the important words are capitalized
- If 2 lines, should be indented to appear inverted pyramid
identify the element of the table
this is used to clarify something in the title
Mostly unit of measurement
nasa luob ng parenthesis and called secondary caption
identify the element of the table
Basis for their classification
Row and Column Headings
identify the element of the table
To clarify the contents of the table
identify the element of the table
If borrowed, there should be acknowledgment
if u see this card
kindly go over the Sample of a Frequency Distribution Table for Ungrouped and grouped Data
Guides for Frequency Tables
Be sure that the classes are
mutually exclusive
Guides for Frequency Tables - T or F
Include all classes, even if the frequency is zero
Still include the classification
Guides for Frequency Tables
Try to use the same - - - - - for all classes
Guides for Frequency Tables - T or F
Select convenient numbers for class limits
Guides for Frequency Tables
Uses how many classes
Between 5 and 20 classes
Guides for Frequency Tables - T or F
The sum of the class frequencies must equal the number of original data values.
if u see this card
kindly familiarize constructin a Frequency table
maam skipped this sa lecture
Questions asked to Appraise a Table
What is the ____ of the table?
Questions asked to Appraise a Table
Does the ____ convey this objective?
Questions asked to Appraise a Table
Are the columns and rows properly ____ ?
Questions asked to Appraise a Table
Are all the data in the table pertinent to the ____ and ____ ?
objective and cross-classified properly
Questions asked to Appraise a Table
Are there many empty cells? if yes what should you do?
If a lot of zero, lump together adjacent categories
Questions asked to Appraise a Table
Is it clear to what the ____ refer?
Brains absorbs VISUAL better than narrative
Graphical Presentation
Whenever verbal problems involving a certain situation is presented visually, it makes it easier for the reader to understand the problem and attempt its solution
Graphical Presentation
imilarly, when the data are presented pictorially (or graphically) before the learners, it makes the presentation?
eye-catching and more intelligible
easily see the salient features of the data and interpret them
What can you see in a statistical graph?
* Series of lines joined together
* Bars
* Enclosed Areas
drawn to represent certain statistical information under the consideration
The purpose is to convey a simpler idea of what the statistical table contains
Graphical Presentation
Graphical Presentation
Like tables, graphs are intended for comparison, to show any correlation, or simply for the purpose of?
Data Presentation
Graphical Representation - T or F
Simpler to “read”, conveys ideas faster and more forcefully
Graphical Presentation
Large, complex masses of data can be presented in a simpler language such that?
significant trends or patterns
which could otherwise be missed in tables, can be made to standout more clearly
Graphical Representation - T or F
The real “meat” of reports, however, lies in the statistical tables.
meat = content
There is NO alternative to tables when large sets of detailed information is required.
Graphical Presentation
The choice of the particular form of graph to be used is often a matter of?
Personal Preference
pero depende sa data, if quali or quanti okay? okay
General Principles in Constructing Graphs - T OR F
The simplest type of graph consistent with its purpose is the most effective.
No more lines or symbols should be used in a single graph than the eye can easily follow.
General Principles in Constructing Graphs
Every graph should be completely
General Principles in Constructing Graphs - T or F
it should be correctly labelled as to title, source, scales and explanatory keys or legends
General Principles in Constructing Graphs - T or F
The position of the title for a graph is one of personal choice.
but in published graphs, sa baba dapat
General Principles in Constructing Graphs
When more than one variable is shown on a graph, each should be?
clearly differentiated by means of legends or keys.
General Principles in Constructing Graphs - T or F
No more coordinate lines should be shown than are necessary to guide the eye.
General Principles in Constructing Graphs - T or F
Scale lines should be drawn lighter than other coordinate lines.
HEAVIER, sila kasi basis the x-axis
General Principles in Constructing Graphs - T or F
Frequency is generally represented on the vertical scale, with method of classification on the horizontal
What are the types of GRAPHS
- Bar Graph
- Pie Graph
- Component Bar
- Histogram
- Line Graph
Most Popular graph
Pie Graph
is pie graph recommend for MULTIPLE RESPONSE?
How many variables are there in a pie graph
3-5 only
what is the data arrangement of Pie graph?
start at 12 oclock - clockwise or unclock pwede
this is same as to pig graph but you compare 2 data
component bar
side by side
should there be a legend in a component bar?
kasi 2 data, kaya meron dapat para di nakakalito
Counter-part of time series table
Line Graph
Scatter Diagram
the projection is up to right
pataas pero pa right - from (0,0) point not necessarilt sa (0,0)
A Positive Relationship
Scatter Diagram
what is the projection of a negative Relationship?
Down projection
Upper y axis to lower x axis
the points in scatter diagram are kalat
scattered nga eh
No Apparent Relationship
What are the parts of Graphs?
- Title
- Axis
- Legen
- Body of a graph
Identify which part of graph by the element
Identify which part of graph by the element
- Vertical or Horizontal axis
- Each represents separate scales of classification
Identify which part of graph by the element
If there are a number of trend lines or curves in the chart, they should be properly identified by labels or legend
For comparison of absolute or relative counts, rates, etc. between categories of a discrete quantitative variable
Qualitative din
Bar Graph /Chart/ Diagram
(horizontal or vertical)
Shows the breakdown of a group or total where the number of categories is not too many
Pie Chart
what are the variable for pie chart?
Shows the breakdown of a group or total where the number of categories is not too many
same as pie graph!
Component bar diagram / chart
Variable - qualitative
Graphic presentation of the frequency distribution of a continuous variable or measurement including age groups
Varibale: Continous QUantitative
Graphic presentation of the frequency distribution of a continuous variable or measurement including age groups
Varibale: QUantitative
Frequency polygon
Shows trend data or changes with time or age with respect to some other variable
Line Diagram
displays dramatic geographical changes
The Statistical Map
if u see this card
Familairze yourself with the concept of the statiscal map using the samples
Graphs not only quickly inform us; they can also quickly?
Deceive us
Deceives us in a way that it stretched the graph so it shows “skyrocketing” the distance is not proper
Shrinking an Stretching the Axes: Visual Confusion
check niyo sample here
- The drawing was just bigger, deceives us with the visual
- If we see something big we usually correlates it with it more bigger data
Distortions with Picture Graphs
Why use charts and graphs? - Lose or Gain
ability to examine numeric detail offered by a table
Why use charts and graphs? - Lose or Gain
ability to direct readers’ attention to one aspect of the evidence
Why use charts and graphs? - Lose or Gain
ability to reach readers who might otherwise be intimidated by the same data in a tabular format
Why use charts and graphs? - Lose or Gain
potentially the ability to see additional relationships within the data
Why use charts and graphs? - Lose or Gain
potentially time: often we get caught up in selecting colors and formatting charts when a simply formatted table is sufficient
Why use charts and graphs? - Lose or Gain
ability to focus on bigger picture rather than perhaps minor technical details
if u see this card
go over the exercises that we practices during lecture