Data Handling Flashcards
What is measurement data?
Measurement data is data obtained by measuring with some form of instrument.
What are examples of counting data?
People, fish, objects, shoes…
What are examples of measurement data?
Height, rainfall, length, weight, waist, distance…
What is discrete data?
Counting data.
Natural numbers.
What is continuous data?
Measurement data.
Rational numbers: decimals & fractions
What is counting data?
Counting data is the data obtained by counting how many of a particular type of object there is.
What is quantitative data?
Data that has quantity, i.e. an amount.
What is ranked data?
It is data that has been sorted from the lowest value to the highest value, i.e. ascending order.
What are measures of central tendency?
They are values around which the data falls.
What is an average?
An average is a number that describes (or typifies) a data set.
What is the symbol for mean?
An x bar
What is the symbol for median?
A capital M, or the second quartile.
What is the symbol for mode?
The is no symbol.
What is the mean?
The mean is when you add all the values together, and divide them by the number of values.
What is the median?
It is the number which is halfway through an ordered set of data.
What is the mode?
It is the value that appears the most in a data set.
What is range?
It is the maximum value minus the minimum value.
What are the three averages used for data handling?
Mean, median and mode.
What kind of data is used in histograms?
Measurement (continuous data)
What is a histogram?
A histogram contains continuous data, and THE BARS MUST TOUCH. The widths of class intervals must always be the same.
What is a class interval?
It is a way of classifying large amounts of data.
What is the formula for mean?
What does the formula for mean mean?
xbar=Σx n xbar~mean Σ~sum of X~all data n~number of data products