Damage control surgery complications open abdomen ASSA Flashcards
Def DCR?
What are the 5 stages of DCR ?
Stage 1 : patient selection
Stage 2 : Surgery ?
Bleeding control
Contamination control
Stage 2: What is meant by temporary closure ?
Stage 3 : 1.transfer OR to ICU
2. Restore physiology
Stage 3 : Monitor ACS ?
Diagnosis of ACS ?
In stage 3 when to go back to OR?
Mandatory relook vs relook on demand?
Stage 4 Return to OR ?
Stage 5 Definitive RX
Closing abdomen
Complications open abdomen ?
Vs chronic ?
Pathophysiology of open abdomen and fluid and protein loss ?
Entereoatmospheric fistula
How to classify ?
Ecf - how do they present?
how to pick up ?
Give 5 phases mX ?
What favourable vs non favourable ?
Fase 1 Resus ?
Need to establish what fistula ?
Table on fluid compesition
Fase 1 Drainage of sepsis
Fase 1 Control output fistula
- 2 goals ?
Nutritional support ?
Fase 1 Nutritional state ?
Fase 2 Investigations
Fase 3 Decision
Predictive factors for closure ?
Fase 4 Definitive surgery
1 or 2 stage
Fase 5 healing
Prevention of hernias ?