Acute coronary care Flashcards
What is the universal classification of MI?
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4 a and b
Type 5
Type 6
Box 20.1 OH p 168
What is the universal classification of MI?
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4 a and b
Type 5
Type 6
Box 20.1 OH p 168
What devision of ACS?
stable angina
Unstable angina
Acute MI
Aetiology and RF ?
Pathophysiology ?
Correlate pathophysiology to treatment?
Clinical presentation
What would be history ?
What is differential dx ?
What patient population atypical presentation ?
Aortic dissection
Physical exam ?
What is classical ECG changes STEMI?
Conditions that mimic STEMI on ECG ?
Box 20.3 P 171
Name some common ECG patterns of location of infarct ?
Understand anatomical blood supply ?
Role of cardiac markers in STEMI ?
What is time line of rise and fall?
Give a summary of spectrum of ACS
In hospital care?
Typical indications of reperfusion ?
Name two groups of thrombolytic agents ?
Contraindications to use?
ACLS flow chart
Arrythomogenic effect?
Hyper K
hypo K
Premature ventricular ectopic beats ECG ?