CVR 18 lipoproteins Flashcards
What are lipoproteins
spherical transport lipids to and from tissues
What are the types of lipos
Order of density greatest to least
chylo, VLDL, LDL, HDL
What are apoplipoproteins
vital for structure
ligands for cell surface
co enzymes for lipid metabolism
What are the 5 major classes of apopliproteins
How are fats transported in circulation
Where are apoliprotein made
ER by B48
Where is lipid made
Smooth ER
where are chylomicrons assembled
B48 loaded with lipid and moved to golgi apparatus and packaged
How are chylomicrons matured
in plasma by echange with HDL
What enzyme is needed for utilizying chylomicron by tissue
lipoprotein lipase LPL
How is chylomicron cleared
As Tg’s are removed they get smaller and denser and lose Apo C which liver than removes
How is LDL delivered to tissues
receptor mediated endocytosis via Apo B100 NOT B48
Sees Apo E
What is SR-A
scavener receptor class A in macrophages which takes up LDL when Apo B is oxidised turning them into foam cells which is key to formong atherscleotic plaque
What is involved in forming HDL
Apo A C E
What does HDL do
Reservoir of apo C and E
accumulating cholestorol
REVERSE CHOLESTEROL TRANSPORT back to liver and converting to bile
Disorder of VLDL and chylomicrone
disorder of LDL
Disorder of HDL
tangier disease