CVR 14 Flashcards
How is the subclavian artery divided
Scalenus anterior
1st - vertebral artery
Thyrocervical trunk
internal thoracic
costocervical trunk
Main structures in the posterior mediastinum?
descending aorta
azygos venous system
thoracic duct
vagus and sympathetic splanchic
what is wear and tear muosa
stratified squamous
What absorbtion mucosa
What do you know about the oseophagus?
located: anterior to thoracic vert, thoracic duct, azygos, descending aorta
right of airtic arch and desc aorta
left of azygos vein
Constrictions are: upper oseph sphincter 15 cm
aortic arch left main bronch
diaphragm and cardia - 40 cm
nerve - vagus symp and plexus
lymph - post mediastinal
supraclavicualr nodes
arterio up 1/3 inferior thyroid
middle 1/3 thoracic aorta
lower 1/3 left gastric
venous up brachiocephalic
portal (varices)
Why is thoracic aneurysm dificult to treat?
Part of it is mobile and other isnt so there is a risk of shearing motion from rapid deacceleration
Diaphragm attachments
crura, median acruate, medial arcuate, lower 6 cc, xiphoid
Will the vena cava opening get bigger or smaller on inspiration
Pain from diaphragm gets reffered where>
shoulder C345 motor to diaphragm but also sense to shoulder
Where does the diaphragm extend?
What level is the sternal angle at
What is in the anterior and middle mediastinum
anterior = thymus middle = pericardial sac
Where is the superior mediastinum?
above ouis T1-T4 Bifurcation of trachea bifurcation of pulmonary trunk azygos termination ligementum ateriosum
What are the great venous vessels around the heart
internal jugular
Where are the brachiocephalic veins?
formed behind SC jt
Where is the SVC
behind 1st CC