CVR 10 Flashcards
What does the endothelium do in thrombosis
Secretes NO PGI2 inhibits platelete
Produces heparin inhibit coagulation
Produce thrombomodulin which activates active protien C which degrades 5a and 8a
Secretes tPA which degrades clots
What does prostacylcin do PGI2
comes from arachidonic acid via cyclooxygenase acts on IP receptors inhibiting aggregation platelets and dilates vessels
Name some prostacyclins
Synthetic last longer
What is endothelium derived relaxing factor
Elevates cGMP in smooth muscle cells of vasculature
What does NO do?
potent vasodilator
elevation in cGMP in smooth muscle cells
nitric oxide
NOT the anesthetic
What is nitric oxide synthase
converts arginine to citruline
What are the effects of NO and cGMP
inhibits Na channel in kidney (cGMP)
What do phosphodiesterases
enzyme that break bonds in cGMP and cAMP
unique tissue distribution (targeting)
inhibition prolong effects of cGMP
What is sildenafil
PDE 5 inhibiot used for pulmonary hypertension
most poten PDE5 inhibitor
Side effects of PDE inhibitos
flushes headaches dyspepsia hypotension
What do NO donors do?
Release NO
glyceral trinitrate
dilates coronary vessels diverting blood
How might nitrate tolerance happen
increased superoxide production. and PDE smooth muscle increase
What do ET’s do?
strongest vasoconstrictors with three forms . BIG ET is cleaved by peptisdase to ET inhibited by phosphoramidon.
Two Types
ETA increases blood pressure
ETB lower blood pressure
What is bosantin ambrisentan sitaxsentan
ETA/B antagonists decrease vasoconstrivtive actions
What is endothelium derived hyper polarizing factors HDPF
relaxes smooth muscle with yperpolarization short halflife
What are EET
epoxyeicosatrienoic acid are metabolites activate potassium channels
vasodilate by CB1 receptor