CTCS Quiz 3 Flashcards
How does rate compare to diameter of axon?
Larger axon = faster rate
How does diameter of an axon affect charge?
Larger the charge, the less resistance.
To double the velocity, how must the diameter change?
What does myelin do?
It reduces number of sites needed for depolarization. So it leads to larger spacing from node to node.
How is the threshold different during relative refractory period?
The threshold is higher.
When can an action potential not be fired?
During absolute refractory period.
What makes acetylcholine, and what happens to it after it is degraded?
Acteyl CoA + Cholin > choline acetyltransferase > Acetylocholine
Acetylocholine > acetylicholinesterase > Acetic Acid and Choline
What is the membrane resting potential of a muscle cell?
What causes the EPP?
ACh is released on cholinergic receptors in the muscle.
What type of receptors does ACh bind to?
Nicotinic Cholinergic
Where does the EPP happen? Close to or far away from the motor neuron?
Close to it.
How many proteins make up the ACh receptor? Each subunit has how many transmembrane sections?
- 4.
What accounts for the ACh receptor’s selectivity? What makes this region?
Three rings of negative charge, arising from asp, glu and gln. Gln is neutral.
What happens to the ACh receptor after it catches an ACh?
It flickers. Probably about 3 times in 1 or 2 ms.
What is the resting membrane potential of a cell?