CSCS Chapter 17 PD for Resistance Training Flashcards
training the muscles in a specific way to produce a specific adaptation to training.
Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands (same thing as specificity)
an exercise demand greater than the current level of fitness than the athlete possesses
increasing training demand over time
program design
planning the steps necessary to put together a resistance training program
resistance training program design variables
- needs analysis
- exercise selection
- training frequency
- exercise order
- training load and repetitions
- volume
- rest periods
needs analysis
two stage process to determine the needs of the athlete and needs of the sport
movement analysis
how an athlete needs to move in a sport
physiological analysis
strength, power, hypertrophy, and endurance requirements of the sport and which needs to be prioritized
injury analysis
common areas of concern for sport injury
compliation of:
- sport requirements
- athletes background
- needs of program going forward
training status
athletes current condition/level of preparedness
affects how many rest days are needed between sessions
3x week recommended for proper recovery
training background/exercise history
- athletes past
- what athlete just completed in training cycle
- include: type, level of intensity, and frequency
exercise technique experience
exposure and skiull an athlete has previously attained with exercise
core exercises
exercises that recruit one or more large muscle areas, involve two or more primary joints, and receive priority because of their direct transfer to sport
structural exercises
involves keeping neutral spine and loads spine directly
power exercise
performed very quickly
main muscle group causing movement
muscle groups on opposite sides of the limb when an agonist is doing its job
muscle balance
proper ratio of strength, power, or muscular endurance between agonist and antagonist muscle groups
training frequency
number of training sessions completed within a given time period
what is training frequency impacted by?
the athletes:
- training status
- sport season
- loads and types of exercises that will be performed in each session as well as other training
recommended amount of training sessions per week for:
- beginner
- intermediate
- advanced
beginner: 2-3x week
intermediate: 3-4x week
advanced: 4-7x weekw
split routine
training different muscle groups on different days as opposed to full body workouts
exercise order
the order exercise is performed during training.
circuit training
method of alternating resistance training in an attempt to minimize rest with 20-30 seconds between exercises.
two exercises performed one after another with little to no rest that stress upon opposing muscle groups
compound set
two exercises performed one after another with little to no rest that stress the same muscle group
weight assigned to exercise
mechanical work
the product of force and displacement.
-multiplying each weight lifted by the number of times it is lifted and summing all values over a training session
volume load
the total rep volume times the amount of load work was performed against
100lb barbell is lifted 2meters for 15 reps:
100x2x15 = 1500
repetition volume
the total number of reps performed
the amount of resistance or quality work performed
2 for 2 rule
training loads must be increased overtime in order for an athlete to continue to progress. if an athlete can perform 2 or more reps over a given goal number in the last two workouts then weight should be added in the next session
total amount of weight lifted or mechanical work done in a training session
interset rest
a rest period that can be undertaking during a set
step 3: training frequency
sport season amount of sessions for:
off season
in season
post season
off season: 4-6x
preseason 3-4x
in season 1-3x
post season 0-3x
exercise order
- how to sequence resistance exercises for one session
- power
- core
- assistance exercises
what type of loads and rep schemes should you use if the goal is strength power hypertrophy muscular endurance
high loads <6 reps single: 1-2 multiple: 3-5 moderate loads 6-12 light loads >12
percentage of 1rpm %’s
- strength
- power single effort
- power multiple effort
- hypertrophy
- muscular endurance
- strength >85%
- power single effort 80-90%
- power multiple effort 75-80%
- hypertrophy 67-85%
- muscular endurance <67%
athlete load for:
less trained people
more trained people
less trained:
upper: increase by 2-5lb
lower: increase by 5-10lb
more trained:
upper: 5-10lb
lower: 10-15lb
set amounts for: strength power single multiple hypertrophy muscular endurance
strength <6 reps for 2-6 sets power single 1-2 reps for 3-5 sets multiple 3-5 reps for 3-5 sets hypertrophy 6-12 reps for 3-6 sets muscular endurance >12 for 2-3 sets