Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Name all 12 cranial nerves
Olfactory CN I Optic CN II Oculomotor CN III Trochlear CN IV Trigeminal CN V Abducens CN VI Facial CN VII Vestibulochoclear CN VIII Glossopharyngeal CN IX Vagus CN X Spinal Accessory CN XI Hypoglossal CN XII
What CN exits this foramen: Cribiform plate
CN I Olfactory
What CN exits this foramen: Optic canal
CN II Optic
What CN exits this foramen: Superior orbital fissure
CN III Oculomotor
CN IV Trochlear
CN V (1) Opthalmic division of trigeminal
CN VI Abducens
What CN exits this foramen: Foramen Rotundum
CN V(2) Maxillary Division of trigeminal
What CN exits this foramen: Foramen Ovale
CN V(3) Mandibular Divison of Trigeminal
What CN exits this foramen: Internal Acoustic Meatus
CN VII Facial
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear
What CN exits this foramen: Jugular Foramen
CN IX Glossopharyngeal
CN X Vagus
CN XI Spinal Accessory N
What CN exits this foramen: Hypoglossal
CN XII Hypoglossal
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Oculomotor
Somatic Motor (GSE)
All extra ocular eye muscles except superior oblique, and lateral rectus m
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Trochlear
Somatic Motor (GSE)
Superior Oblique muscle
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Abducens
Somatic Motor (GSE)
Lateral rectus Muscle
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Hypoglossal
Somatic Motor (GSE)
Intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles (except palatoglossus)
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Masicator
Branchial Motor (SVE)
Muscles of mastication
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Facial
Branchial Motor (SVE)
Muscles of facial expression
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Ambiguus
Branchial motor (SVE)
Muscles of the pharynx and larynx
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Accessory
Branchial Motor (SVE)
Trapezius and Sternocleidomastoid
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus:Edinger-westphal
Visceral Motor (GVE) Parasympathetic
Ciliary Muscle, constrictor pupillae
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Superior Salivatory
Visceral Motor Parasympathetic (GVE)
All glands of the head except the integumentary and parotid
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Inferior salivatory
Visceral Motor Parasympathetic (GVE)
Parotid gland
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Dorsal Vagus
Visceral Motor Parasympathetic (GVE)
All thoracic viscera and abdominal viscera to the splenic flexure
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Solitarius
Visceral Sensory (GVA)
Visceral afferent information necessary for visceral reflexes, and nausea
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Trigeminal
General sensory (GSA)
Pain, Temperature, touch, proprioception from the head neck, sinuses, and meninges
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Mitral cells of olfactory bulbs
Special Sensory (SSA)
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Ganglion cells of retina
Special Sensory (SSA)
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Gustatory
Special Sensory (SSA)
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Vestibular
Special Sensory (SSA)
What is the modality, Associated Nerve and function based off the name of the Nucleus: Cochlear
Special Sensory (SSA)
What is a general rule about sympathetic fibers in the head?
They are all postganglionic arising from the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk
THey travel on vessels of the structures they innervate (Deep petrosal Nerve)
What are the 4 ganglia in the head that Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers arise
What 4 cranial Nerves carry Preganglionic parasympathetics
What nerve does post ganglionic fibers piggy back
Branches of the trigeminal to arrive at the structure they Innervate
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: II
Special Sensory (SSA)
Retina of the eye
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: I
Special Sensory (SSA)
Bipolar neurons in olfactory mucosa of nasal cavity
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: III
Somatic Motor function (GSE)
Parasympathetic Motor Function (GVE)
GSE: Supplies 4 extrinsic eye muscles: Superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique, and Levator palpebrae superioris muscle to elevate the eyelid
GVE: Innervates the sphinctor pupillae muscle to make pupil constrict
Contracts ciliary muscles to make the lens of the eye more spherical (near vision)
GSE: Oculomotor
GVE: Edinger Westphal
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: IV
Somatic Motor (GSE)
Supplies one extrinsic eye muscle (superior oblique) to move eyeball inferiorly and laterally
Trochlear nucleus
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: VI
Somatic Motor (GSE)
Innervates one extrinsic eye muscle (lateral rectus) for eye ABduction
Abducens (Pontine) nucleus
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: V
Branchial Motor (SVE) General Sensory (GSA)
SVE: Innervates the muscles of mastication ( temporalis, masseter, lateral and medial pterygoids) Mylohyoid, anterior belly of Diagastric M, tensor tympani muscle and tensor veli palatini
GSA: Broken down into 3 portions, Opthalmic, Maxillary, and Mandibular and does sensory for much of the face and also does 2/3 of tongue and oral cavity
Orgin: Pons
Opthalmic Nerve, Branches and what it Innervates
Branches: Lacrimal Frontal: Supratrochlear, supraorbital Nasociliary: Long and short ciliary, infratrochlear, Ethmodial Meningeal Brnch
Sensory from cornea, nose, forehead, anterior scalp
Maxillary Nerve, branches and what it Innervates
Zygomatic: Zygomaticotemporal, Zygomaticofacial
Infraorbital: External nasal, Superior labial
Superior alveolar: Anterior, middle, posterior
Palatine: Orbital, greater and lesser palatine, pharyngeal
Meningeal: Anterior and middle cranial fossa
Sensory from nasal mucosa, palate, gums, cheek
Mandibular Nerve, branches and whay it Innervates
Inferior Alveolar: Dental, Incisive, Mental
Auriculotemporal: Anterior auricular, External Acoustic meatus, Temporomandibular joint, superficial temporal
Meningeal: Anterior and middle cranial fossa
Sensory from anterior 2/3 of tongue, skin of chin, lower jaw, lower teeth, one third of auricle of ear
Innervates the muscles of mastication ( temporalis, masseter, lateral and medial pterygoids) Mylohyoid, anterior belly of Diagastric M, tensor tympani muscle and tensor veli palatini
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: VII
Facial Nerve
Branchial motor (SVE) Visceral motor (GVE) General Sensory (GSA) Special Sensory (SSA)
SSA: Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
SVE: Muscles of facial expression (buccinator, platysma, and occipitalis) stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of diagastric muscles
GSA: supply the skin of concha of auricle and an area of skin behind ear, wall of acoustic meatus and external tympanic membrane
GVE: lacrimal gland, submandibular gland and the sublingual gland
Nuclei within pons
What are the 5 major branches to the muscles of facial expression of CN VII
Temporal, Zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, and cervical branches
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: VIII
SPecial Sensory (SSA)
Auditory information from the cochlea
Balance information from the semicircular canals
Hair cells in the vestibule of the inner ear
cochlea of the inner ear
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: IX
Branchial Motor (SVE) Visceral Motor (GVE) Visceral Sensory (GVA) Somatic sensory (GSA) Special Sensory (SSA)
SVE: Supply the striated muscle of the stylopharyngeus
GVE: supply the otic ganglion which sends fibers to the parotid gland
GVA: Carries sensation from the carotid body and carotid sinus
SSA: Taste from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue
orgin: sensory is located in the taste buds of tongue, and the carotid bodies
motor is located in the nuclei of the medulla oblongata
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: X
Vagus Nerve
Branchial Motor (SVE) Visceral Motor (GVE) Visceral Sensory (GVA) General Sensory (GSA)
SVE: To muscles of the pharynx, tongue (palatoglossus) and larynx (except stylopharyngeus and tensor muscles)
GVE: to smooth muscles and glands of the pharynx, larynx, and thoracic and abdominal viscera
GVA: From larynx, trachea, esophagus, thoracic and abdominal viscera, stretch receptors in the aortic arch, chemoreceptors and aortic bodies
GSA: Back of the ear and in the external acoustic meatus, part of the external surface of the tympanic membrane and the pharynx
Orgin: Motor Nuclei in medulla oblongata
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: XI
Accessory Nerve
Branchial Motor (SVE)
Supplys the Trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
Orgin: Motor nuclei in spinal cord
Component, Function and Orgin of Cranial Nerve: XII
Hypoglossal Nerve
Somatic Motor (GSE)
Supplies all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue except palatoglossus (hyoglossus, genioglossus, styloglossus)
Hypoglossal nucleus
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: XII
swallowing and speech difficulties due to impaired tongue movement.
If a single hypoglossal nerve left or right is paralyzed, a protruded (stuck out) tongue deviates to the side of the damaged nerve
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: XI
Paralysis of trapezius and sternocleidomastoid, resulting in difficulty elevating shoulder or turning head to opposite side
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: X
Variety of larynx problems including: hoarsness, monotome, or complete loss of voice
also lesions can cause difficulty in swallowing or impaired gastrointestinal system mobility
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: IX
Reduced salivary secretion, and loss of taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: VIII
Lesions in vestibular branch produce loss of balance, nausea, vomitting, and dizziness,
Lesions in cochlear branch result in deafness (loss of hearing
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: VII
Decreased tearing and decrease salivation
loss of taste sensation to anterior 2/3
Facial nerve palsy characterized by paralyzed facial muscles, eyelid droop and sagging corner of mouth
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: V
Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) caused by inflammation of the sensory components of the trigeminal nerve leading to intense pulsating pain lasting from minutes to hours
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: VI
Paralysis of lateral rectus limits lateral movement of eye
diplopia (double vision)
In the direction of the gaze one eye will move medially but the eye trying to move laterally cant
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: IV
Paralysis of superior oblique, leading to strabismus (eyes not in parallel/deviated improperly
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: III
Ptosis (upper eyelid droop)
paralysis of eye muscles leading to strabismus (eyes not in parallel and deviated)
focusing difficulty
if in one eye, the eye will look downward and lateral and the pupil will be dilated
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: II
Anopsia (visual defects)
depends on location of lesion
Conditions caused by nerve damage to CN: I
Anosmia (partial or total loss of smell
Visceral Parasympathetic route for CN IX
Tympanic nerve arises from CN IX and emerges through the jugular foramen
Enters middle ear via the tympanic canal in petrous part of the temporal bone
Tympanic nerve forms tympanic plexus
lesser petrosal nerve arises as a branch of the tympanic plexus
lesser petrosal goes through tympanic cavity to middle cranial fossa
lesser petrosal nerve leaves through foramen ovale
parasympathetic fibers synapse on otic ganglion
Postsynaptic fibers pass to parotid on branches of auriculotemporal nerve CN V3