Cranial Nerve 8 Flashcards
The anatomy of the ear can be broken down into 3 sections, what are they?
- External ear
- Middle ear
- Internal ear
what are the 3 structures of the external ear?
- auricle (pinna)
- external auditory canal
- ear drum (tympanic membrane)
what is the auricle (pinna)?
outer ear structure
what is the external auditory canal?
a tube connecting the auricle to the ear drum
what is the ear drum?
also called tympanic membrane
sheet across external auditory canal composed of:
epidermis, epithelium, and CT fibers (elastic)
what is the middle ear?
the small air-filled cavity within the ear
composed of 5 structures
what structures are inside of the middle ear?
- auditory ossicles
- oval window
- round window
- tensor tympani and stapedius muscles
- opening to the auditory tube (eustuchian tube)
what are the auditory ossicles?
the 3 smallest bones in the body:
what is the malleus?
“the hammer”
connects ear drum to anvil (incus)
what is the incus?
“the anvil”
connects hammer to stirrup (stapes)
what is the stapes
“the stirrup”
connects anvil to oval window
what is the oval window?
a membrane covered opening into perilymph of cochlea
what is the round window?
a membrane covering opening in to the perilymph at the other end of the cochlea
what innervates the tensor tempani and stapedius muscles?
tensor tympani (V3)
stapedius (CN 7)
these contract to prevent damage to middle ear structures by loud noise
why is there an opening to auditory tube(eustachian tube) in the middle ear?
the opening connects the middle ear chamber to nasopharynx (upper throat) to equilibrate pressure in the ears
(the pop you hear during swallowing)
what is inside of the inner ear?
- bony labyrinth
- membranous labyrinth
- Vestibulocochlear nerve
what is the bony labyrinth in the inner ear?
a series of 3 structures lined by periosteum and containing perilymph
what are the 3 structures within the bony labyrinth?
- semicircular canals
- vestibule
- cochlea
what are the semicircular canals?
contain the sensory receptors (crista ampullaris) for equilibrium (angular)
lie at right angles in 3 geomtric planes within the inner ear

what is the vestibule within the bony labyrinth?
contains sensory receptors (macula) for equilibrium (linear)

what is the cochlea?
a part of the bony labyrinth that contains sensory receptors (spiral organ of corti) for hearing

what is the membranous labyrinth?
sacs and tubes inside the bony labyrinth that have the same shape as the inside of the bony labryinth.
it is filled with endolymph
made up of 4 structures
what are the 4 structures found within the membranous labyrinth?
- utricle - membranous sac → connected to semicircular canals
- saccule- membranous sac → connected to utricle
- membranous semicircular canal
- cochlear duct for hearing

List the ganglia for the 1st order neurons of the Vestibulocochlear nerve
- vestibular branch → S/I vestibular ganglia
- cochlear branch → spiral ganglia