Course Work - Blood Pressure Test Flashcards
What is the principle of this test?
Restricting blood flow, and then releasing this to give a measure of pressure.
What is the meaning of the inflation of the cuff?
To stop arterial blood flow
Cuff problems that can give incorrect readings
- Incorrect cuff size used
- Position of patient’s arm that the cuff is on.
Make sure that the patients has not done what in order to avoid false high blood pressure readings?
Within 30 mins of reading:
- drinking coffee
- smoking tobacco
- exercise
Minimum cuff pressure needed to completely stop blood flow will match…
systolic blood pressure
When cuff relaxes, the first pressure at which pulsing (throbbing) of the artery are no longer detected matches the…
Systolic pressure
What is Diastolic pressure?
defined as minimum arterial pressure during relaxation of the ventricles of the heart
What is Hypertension?
Abnormally high blood pressure
What is Hypotension?
Abnormally low blood pressure
What does hypertension cause an increased risk of having?
can increase a person’s chances of having a stroke, angina, or heart attack.
What is a stroke?
when blood stops flowing to a part of the brain, due to a clot or rupture in a blood vessel.
Rise and fall in pressure corresponds with…
contraction and relaxation of ventricles in the heart.
Fluctuations in blood pressure across cardiac cycle reduced…
due to stretch and recoil of artery walls
What is systole?
proper term for contraction of a heart chamber
What is diastole?
proper term for relaxation of a heart chamber
What is Normal Blood Pressure?
less than 120/80
Elevated blood pressure
Hypertension Stage 1
Hypertension Stage 2
> 160/>100
Hypertension crisis
What is being measured?
The pressure changes in the brachial artery lower down the arm are being measured. This information about blood pressure during the systolic and diastolic phases in the heart.
What stage does hypotension cause problems?
As soon as the patient feels dizzy or they are fainting