Blood vessels, blood pressure, heart disease Flashcards
A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
A blood vessel that carreis blood back to the heart
A tiny blood vessel where substances are exchanged between the blood and the body cells
Cardiovascular system
The system made up of the heart and the blood vessels
Method for measuring blood pressure
- sit patient with left arm uncovered resting on table
- fit cuff around this arm
- inflate cuff until blood flow stops
- deflate the cuff
- record the systolic and diastolic values and analyse taking into consideration the time of the day
Cuff problems that can give incorrect blood pressure readings
- Incorrectly sized cuff used
- Position of patient’s arm on which cuff is placed
Make sure patient has not done that following in order to avoid false high blood pressure readings
Within 30 mins before reading:
- drinking coffee
- smoking tobacco
- exercising
Minimum cuff pressure needed to completely stop blood flow will match…
Systolic blood pressure
When cuff relaxes, the first pressure at which pulsing (throbbing) of the artety are no longer detected matches the…
Diastolic blood pressure
Systolic pressure
Defines as maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart
Diastolic pressure
Defined as minimum arterial pressure during relaxation of the ventricles of the heart
Abnormally high blood pressure
Hypetension does not produce symtoms as such…
But can increase a person’s chances of having a stroke or heart attack
When blood stops flowing to a part of the brain, due to a clot or rupture in a blood vessel
Condition in which fatty deposits called plaque build up on he inner walls of the arteries
How atherosclerosis can lead to cardiac arrest
- Plaque in the coronary artery bursts
- This causes a blood clot to form
- Plaque / blood clot restricts blood flow into the heart muscle
- Heart muscle starved of (blood and) oxygen
How to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
- Eat a low fat diet / low salt diet
- Do more physical activity
- Maintain a healthy weight / lose weight
- Give up smoking
- Reduce alcohol consumption
- Control blood pressure / diabetes
- Take prescribed medication
Ways that increase the risk of coronary heart disease
- Eat a high fat diet/ high salt diet
- Do less physical activity
- Don’t maintain a healthy weight / gain weight
- Smoking
- Increase alcohol consumption
- High blood pressure / diabetics
- Not taking prescribed medication
Blood in aorta…
Is at highest pressure
Left ventricle of heart exerts hgiher pressure on blood…
Due to msucle layer being thicker
As blood travels in the artery…
The pressure drops
Rise and fall in pressure corresponds with…
Contraction and relaxation of ventricles in the heart
Fluctuations in blood pressure across cardiac cycle reduced…
Due to stretch and recoilof artery walls
Arterioles have lower pressure…
Due to teh large total cross-sectional area of the network
Low capillary blood pressure means that…
Blood flows slowly in the capillaries, which gives more time for gas exchange
Pressure in the veins is low…
Due to the return of the blood flow being non-pulsatile
Venous blood pressure can be increased by…
The massaging effect of muscles
Valves in veins…
Ensure the one-way flow of blood back to the heart