Course rules / Base ops Flashcards
Max altitude in KNZY class D airspace
600’, without tower clearance
Crossing runway 18 extended centerline
Tower clearance required within 3 miles
Tower transition altitude
Flying club transition
At or below 300’
Strand transition location
Portion of unpopulated land south of Amphib base and north of fiddler’s cove marina
Strand transition westbound
200’ AGL
Strand transtion eastbound
400’ AGL
Bay Departure
Climb to 600’ AGL prior to carrier piers
Maintain centerline, move right as necessary
Proceed to point X-Ray
Bay Arrival
500’ at point X-Ray
Channel Departure
400’ Fly right of centerline
Westbound traffic cleared to turn west when clear point loma
All other traffic intercept 190 radial until 4.3 NM
Channel Arrival
200 ‘ AGL intercept 185 radial remain right of centerline
Surf Departure
Utilize tower transition, cross 29 at short field arresting gear, overfly south wash rack climb to 400’ AGL proceed outbound on 135 radial
Surf Arrival
Intercept 135 radial inbound, 300’ AGL
Report 2 DME
Point alpha
5 miles west
Point Bravo
185 radial 5 DME
SVFR departures
Maintain SVFR at or below 300’
SVFR arrival
Maintain SVFR at or below 300’
KNZY auto pattern
Maintenance auto
right hand pattern to 18 remain north of 29 1000’ MSL
Maintenance at 1500’ MSL
Lost comms KNZY
approach to pad 12, look for aldis lamp signals
Hung Dome
Pad 12
Other Emergency/hospital pads
Balboa (min 500-1 based on lindbergh)
North of I-5 and pershing drive intersection
Illuminated at night
NAB - amphib - turner field
NAB (amphib) 3 miles southeast of NASNI on northern side of base
asphalt area with white H
72 hour PPR
Sub Base
Used to deliver patient to decompression chamber
Proceed to upper athletic field
NZY R-299 1.6 DME
Contact sub squadron 291.4
Pierside (32 street)
Coordinate with NASNI tower
KNRS IB Class D airspace
- 2 miles west
- 7 miles east
- 6 miles north
- 7 miles south
IB max altitude
1500’ MSL
IB pad pattern
500’ MSL
IB runway pattern
800’ MSL
Weather min for Bay area training (SAR JUMPS)
KNZY class D ceiling
Avoid Sar jumps in what Bay training area
certain tides can cause shallow as 3 feet
Noise abatement areas
City of Coronado
Point Loma
Coronado Cays - 6.5 miles southeast
Coronado shores condo and hotel Del coronado